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Text Me
Author: BobR    Date: 03/26/2025 12:53:22

Let's be honest - we've all used a chat app. Whether it's Skype or Facebook messenger or Discord, or even the comments of a blog (like this one), we've communicated using a chat app. The Blog Diva and I chatted on a regular phone text for months before making the leap to talking on the phone.

The difference, of course, is that we're not high-ranking officials in the federal government, and we didn't talk about classified military operations.
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11 comments (Latest Comment: 03/26/2025 22:08:57 by TriSec)

Author: TriSec    Date: 03/25/2025 09:26:10

Good Morning. It's been a busy month.
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3 comments (Latest Comment: 03/25/2025 16:04:10 by Raine)

Let Them Eat Cake
Author: Raine    Date: 03/24/2025 13:06:23

Howard Lutnick, a multi-billionaire and Commerce secretary told Americans that if they complain about missing a Social Security check, they are defrauding the government. He thinks that people will be just fine missing a monthly check
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6 comments (Latest Comment: 03/24/2025 16:26:31 by Raine)

Produce the produce
Author: TriSec    Date: 03/21/2025 23:08:26

Good Morning.

I'm off to delightful Cape Cod this morning.
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Fluffy Friday
Author: wickedpam    Date: 2025-03-21 12:00:00

Just a reminder in these crazy days that we all need to find a way to self care.


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3 comments (Latest Comment: 03/21/2025 22:59:24 by TriSec)

Invasion and the Body Snatchers
Author: Raine    Date: 03/20/2025 13:29:29

They are invading! It's an invasion! That's what this administration is saying when they are talking about immigration. They have labeled migration into the country as an invasion. Hell, they say it so much it's become lost white noise. (pun intended) Fact: Immigration is not an “invasion.”
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Here Come Da Judge
Author: BobR    Date: 03/19/2025 11:49:12

Remember back, oh... a few years - when Republicans wailed and gnashed their teeth about "weaponizing the Justice Department"? Oh those were halcyon innocent times. Naturally, we all know the Republicans for their consistent use of projection.

The Big Fat Shitwad has been using executive orders to implement what he can without getting Congress involved (not that there would be any pushback from them). As is his style, he's dragging everything throw the courts when their IS pushback (from the judicial system):
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Ask a Vet
Author: TriSec    Date: 03/18/2025 09:24:59

Good Morning.

Thus far, it's been all posturing, but no action. Not anymore.
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2 comments (Latest Comment: 03/18/2025 18:08:29 by Raine)

Use it or lose it.
Author: Raine    Date: 03/17/2025 13:01:49

It's been less than 2 months and we can see the damage. We read about the damage but how long until we personally feel it? As a cis white woman, I know my privilege, but that will only last so long. Aryans had privilege in Nazi Germany until they didn't. I am not a nazi, nor am I Aryan. I'm a woman, an outspoken woman, who will use my privilege to resist this authoritarianism that we are seeing in the country.
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5 comments (Latest Comment: 03/17/2025 15:28:30 by Raine)

Fiesty Friday
Author: wickedpam    Date: 2025-03-14 12:00:00


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2 comments (Latest Comment: 03/14/2025 12:21:53 by TriSec)

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