“I am leaving this message for you because it appears I must leave sooner than I intended. I would have preferred to say this in person, but since I cannot, let me say it here.” G’Kar, Babylon 5
“Only the dead have seen the end of war.” Plato*
Andrew Olmsted began the final blog entry of his life with these two quotes. Andy was killed in Iraq on Thursday, and he left this devastatingly beautiful and profound final piece with a friend, to be posted in the event of his death. Please take a moment to honor his memory, and to read the last post of this life. I read it last night, and it crushed me. And I think every single person in America should read it.
A very good man is gone. His death is a terrible loss for his family, the Army–and for our country. Andy was the epitome of the American citizen-soldier, and a hell of a good writer. He was honorable, thoughtful and incredibly articulate. And he served America not only as a soldier, but also as voice of conscience in these incredibly turbulent times.
I never met the man, but wish I could have. After you read the piece, I think it will be hard not to feel the same way. And my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. But I hope you will join me in doing what Andy asked us to do:
“So if you’re up for that, put on a little 80s music (preferably vintage 1980-1984), grab a Coke and have a drink with me. If you have it, throw ‘Freedom Isn’t Free’ from the Team America soundtrack in; if you can’t laugh at that song, I think you need to lighten up a little. I’m dead, but if you’re reading this, you’re not, so take a moment to enjoy that happy fact.*“
Rest in peace, Andy.
(If you comment, please respect Andy’s wish that his death not be politicized, and refrain from any political rants.)
This is an entry I would have preferred not to have published, but there are limits to what we can control in life, and apparently I have passed one of those limits. And so, like G'Kar, I must say here what I would much prefer to say in person. I want to thank hilzoy for putting it up for me. It's not easy asking anyone to do something for you in the event of your death, and it is a testament to her quality that she didn't hesitate to accept the charge. As with many bloggers, I have a disgustingly large ego, and so I just couldn't bear the thought of not being able to have the last word if the need arose. Perhaps I take that further than most, I don't know. I hope so. It's frightening to think there are many people as neurotic as I am in the world. In any case, since I won't get another chance to say what I think, I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity. Such as it is...
...What I don't want this to be is a chance for me, or anyone else, to be maudlin. I'm dead. That sucks, at least for me and my family and friends. But all the tears in the world aren't going to bring me back, so I would prefer that people remember the good things about me rather than mourning my loss. (If it turns out a specific number of tears will, in fact, bring me back to life, then by all means, break out the onions.) I had a pretty good life, as I noted above. Sure, all things being equal I would have preferred to have more time, but I have no business complaining with all the good fortune I've enjoyed in my life. So if you're up for that, put on a little 80s music (preferably vintage 1980-1984), grab a Coke and have a drink with me. If you have it, throw 'Freedom Isn't Free' from the Team America soundtrack in; if you can't laugh at that song, I think you need to lighten up a little. I'm dead, but if you're reading this, you're not, so take a moment to enjoy that happy fact....
Long-shot GOP hopeful Rep. Duncan Hunter attended the vote in Dixville Notch, where results were announced before 12:06 a.m. in a small room packed with TV cameras and photographers.
"It epitomizes people-to-people politicking," Hunter said minutes before the votes were cast.
Hunter received no votes in either town.
State law allows towns with fewer than 100 people to open at midnight and to close as soon as all registered voters have cast ballots. Hart's Location Selectman Mark Dindorf said getting 100 percent voter turnout was the most exciting aspect of the event.
Quote by livingonli: Did anyone see the footage of Sean Hannity being chased back crying to his hotel by Ron Paul fans?![]()
Quote by starling310: I'm sorry, but Boys sometimes don't get the crying thing. My voice gets shaky and I get choked up sometimes without meaning to, or being able to control it. And, the only reason I can think of that it happens, is cuz I'M A GIRL! And, I just don't know if boys trully "get" what that feels like.
Quote by BobR:
Hey - I've cried (as an adult) and I'm not afraid to admit it...
: puffs out chest: :grabs crotch:
Quote by starling310: I'm sorry, but Boys sometimes don't get the crying thing. My voice gets shaky and I get choked up sometimes without meaning to, or being able to control it. And, the only reason I can think of that it happens, is cuz I'M A GIRL! And, I just don't know if boys trully "get" what that feels like.
Quote by starling310:
I don't doubt it Bobber.
But, I think. . . and I am not trying to be sexist. . . women tend to get "choked up" more frequently than men. It's quite annoying actually. Sometimes I wish I could avoid it, because I feel like it makes me look weak, or weakens my argument at the very least.
I suppose I should ask, does that happen to men?
I mean if you are relaying a scene from a movie to a friend, does it get you choked up? If you talk about the financial stresses of your life, does your voice shake? Do you literally feel like crying?
Quote by Raine:I get the crying thing, what I do not get with Hillary, is why now? Why the whole "change" comment? Some females DO cry, and truthfully some do not. (and As a side not,Quote by starling310: I'm sorry, but Boys sometimes don't get the crying thing. My voice gets shaky and I get choked up sometimes without meaning to, or being able to control it. And, the only reason I can think of that it happens, is cuz I'M A GIRL! And, I just don't know if boys trully "get" what that feels like.I have a certain Madonna song now running thru my head..
What it feels like for a girl. )
Quote by starling310:Yeah, Hillary is a separate animal. I just feel like maybe BOYS and GIRLS won't see eye to eye on this ridiculous topic because there is a different "frame of reference" based on experience.Quote by Raine:I get the crying thing, what I do not get with Hillary, is why now? Why the whole "change" comment? Some females DO cry, and truthfully some do not. (and As a side not,Quote by starling310: I'm sorry, but Boys sometimes don't get the crying thing. My voice gets shaky and I get choked up sometimes without meaning to, or being able to control it. And, the only reason I can think of that it happens, is cuz I'M A GIRL! And, I just don't know if boys trully "get" what that feels like.I have a certain Madonna song now running thru my head.. What it feels like for a girl. )
Quote by velveeta jones: I'm off...............see ya'lls later.
Quote by wickedpam: MOrning! :hug:
Quote by Raine:Most def That is very true. I mean I get teary watching TV when I see a heartwarming story. Woman are more expressive with emotions, for the most part, that is how we are raised to be.Quote by starling310:Quote by Raine:I get the crying thing, what I do not get with Hillary, is why now? Why the whole "change" comment? Some females DO cry, and truthfully some do not. (and As a side not,Quote by starling310: I'm sorry, but Boys sometimes don't get the crying thing. My voice gets shaky and I get choked up sometimes without meaning to, or being able to control it. And, the only reason I can think of that it happens, is cuz I'M A GIRL! And, I just don't know if boys trully "get" what that feels like.I have a certain Madonna song now running thru my head..
What it feels like for a girl. )
Yeah, Hillary is a separate animal.
I just feel like maybe BOYS and GIRLS won't see eye to eye on this ridiculous topic because there is a different "frame of reference" based on experience.
Quote by Raine:Quote by wickedpam: MOrning! :hug:
Quote by wickedpam:Quote by Raine:Quote by wickedpam: MOrning! :hug:
Someone's full of wheaties this morning :p
Quote by livingonli: France Best, US worst in preventable deaths.
Quote by Raine: That is ShelaghC!!!! HELLO SHELAGHC!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote by livingonli:You gotta get her to come to the blog and come back to the message board. BTW, can you find on line where Hillary invoked Al-Qaeda at her New Hampshire speech (as seen on last night's Countdown) I want to point it out to someone.Quote by Raine: That is ShelaghC!!!! HELLO SHELAGHC!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote by Raine: I look forward to Supernami Tuesday.
Quote by wickedpam: I'm hooked on playing my Wii too.
Quote by TriSec:Quote by wickedpam: I'm hooked on playing my Wii too.
EXCUSE me?????
This is a family blog, WP. :modbat:
Quote by starling310: *sigh*
wish i had a wii. . .
: gazes longingly out the blog window :
: a single tear rolls down cheek :
Quote by starling310: *sigh*
wish i had a wii. . .
: gazes longingly out the blog window :
: a single tear rolls down cheek :
Quote by wickedpam:Quote by starling310: *sigh*
wish i had a wii. . .
: gazes longingly out the blog window :
: a single tear rolls down cheek :
I'll share * hands Star my only remote with nunchuck * I only have the Olympics or Zelda to play though.
Quote by Raine: Are tehy being fooled by a good stump speach?
Quote by Raine: Does anyone find it interesting that so many people are saying that Hill and obama say the same thing only obama says it better? Are the dem's settling again? Are tehy being fooled by a good stump speach?
Quote by starling310:: joe biden : Yes.Quote by Raine: Are tehy being fooled by a good stump speach?
Quote by starling310: JOHN EDWARDS IS NOT OLD! For chrissake!
Quote by Raine:Quote by starling310: JOHN EDWARDS IS NOT OLD! For chrissake!
HE is a few months older tham obama fershitsake.
Quote by TriSec: As much as it pains me to say so, we all need to stop drinking Dunkin' Donuts coffee and eating at Boston Market.
Both are owned by Bain Capitol, of which Mitt is the founder and CEO.
Quote by starling310:Dunkin Donuts coffee is like drinking out of an ashtray.Quote by TriSec: As much as it pains me to say so, we all need to stop drinking Dunkin' Donuts coffee and eating at Boston Market. Both are owned by Bain Capitol, of which Mitt is the founder and CEO.
Quote by starling310:It makes me crazy. There is no denying that Obama is charasmatic. He gives a more inspiring speech than Edwards. But, being charasmatic doesn't translate into execution of good policy.Quote by Raine:HE is a few months older tham obama fershitsake.Quote by starling310: JOHN EDWARDS IS NOT OLD! For chrissake!
Quote by starling310: 4th Grader politics. . . tsk, tsk, tsk. . . .that ISN'T NEW
Quote by TriSec: Don't tell me you drink "Seattle Kool-Aid", Star.... But I suppose good ol' Green Mountain has them both beat.![]()
Quote by TriSec: Obama is 46. JFK was about that same age. So was Clinton. Edwards is 54. (June 10, 1953)
Quote by TriSec: Don't tell me you drink "Seattle Kool-Aid", Star....
But I suppose good ol' Green Mountain has them both beat.
Quote by starling310:I am a "Brew at home" Green Mountain girl!Quote by TriSec: Don't tell me you drink "Seattle Kool-Aid", Star.... But I suppose good ol' Green Mountain has them both beat.![]()
Starbucks is good for 2 things; Lattes and Chai Lattes. Their coffee is complete rubbish!
Quote by Raine:Quote by TriSec: Don't tell me you drink "Seattle Kool-Aid", Star....
But I suppose good ol' Green Mountain has them both beat.
Who owns green Mountain?
Quote by Raine: Melissa, I remember seeing most of that logo debate. Dennis took itdowntown. I still believe edwards will not EVER stand in the way of Gay marriage. jeepers. Elizabeth would smack him down.
Quote by starling310:yay melissa! See....case in point. ....I have a big 'ole lump in throat after hearing that interview. Boys? choked up? Ladies?
Quote by starling310: Hubba hubba....Elizabeth Kucinich was just on Thom. :wub2:
Quote by livingonli: Why is Chimpy having a press conference right now? He wants to pimp his road trip to another part of the world where no one wants him.
Quote by BobR:Quote by livingonli: Why is Chimpy having a press conference right now? He wants to pimp his road trip to another part of the world where no one wants him.
perhaps he wants to distract from the NH primaries...
MANCHESTER, N.H. -- If the scene at Brookside Congregational Church -- Manchester's largest polling station -- is any indication, today's New Hampshire primary will bring a record turnout -- especially among first-time voters.
"It has been steady heavy all day," said Herb Pence, a church volunteer who has worked on election day at least a dozen times. "It wasn't intense like this before -- on both sides, Republican and Democrat."
A stream of voters has been arriving since the polls opened, and the church parking was packed at midday. Many voters are lingering about after casting their ballots to talk with the large number of reporters and to commiserate with campaign volunteers holding signs for their candidate at the proscribed distance from the polling station entrance.
The turnout in Manchester's First Ward appeared to be especially high for those who have not participated before: while there was a significant line for "registered voters" in the church basement, the line for "new voters" was far longer, snaking around the stairs.
"This is the biggest we have ever seen," said poll worker Kimberly Hardwick.
Quote by TriSec: Signs of a record turnout in NH
Well, that's good for democracy, right? {somebody, somewhere, someone is shaking their little fist northeasterly...."Damn you voters for exercising your rights!!"}![]()
Quote by shelaghc: Just thought I'd stop by the blog while I'm not packing. Anyone else here?
Quote by shelaghc: I need to find out how to vote this time out. I'll only be in Pittsburgh a few weeks, if that much, when the primary comes around.
Quote by shelaghc: Well, I'm out of things for at least an hour. Time for my nightly phone call to my Mom.
Talk at you guys later.
Quote by BobR: Buchanon isn't listening to Rachel at all - he's saying his blah-blah-blah without regard to her opinions at all.
What a tool. :punch:
Quote by velveeta jones: Hey, who is this shelaghc person?![]()
Quote by Mondobubba:
I saw those two last week during the Iowa coverage. Rachel was looking at him with her you are a bug look.
Quote by BobR:Quote by velveeta jones: Hey, who is this shelaghc person?![]()
She's an old friend from our AAP days...
Quote by velveeta jones: Dammit Hillary is winning? Grrrrrrrr.
Quote by Raine: Gah. it is looking like hillary will be taking NH. The bright side is that we still have a true race!
Whatever will momma do tommorow?
Quote by starling310:
I have to say...I am optimistic that it didn't go to Obama. Why? You ask. I'll tell you.
This means it is still anyone's to win. If Obamentum had continued it may have become a foregone conclusion. Maybe I am blissfully ignorant, but I think this might mean that people are voting for who they want, not strictly who is Numero Uno on that given day.
Am I naive?
Quote by shelaghc: While Iowa and NH are both great news for this country moving into a new century, a friend of mine who lives in Alaska and is from Virginia brought up a very valid point.
How possible is it that the rednecks in the southern states will vote for either a black man or a woman for president?
Edwards is right - in the southern states he very well may be the candidate of choice in the primaries.
Even in my home state, he might have a better chance. Pittsburgh alone, while skewing Democrat, is still rather conservative.
This race is far from over.
Quote by BobR:Quote by starling310:
I have to say...I am optimistic that it didn't go to Obama. Why? You ask. I'll tell you.
This means it is still anyone's to win. If Obamentum had continued it may have become a foregone conclusion. Maybe I am blissfully ignorant, but I think this might mean that people are voting for who they want, not strictly who is Numero Uno on that given day.
Am I naive?
Edwards said that 99% of the country still haven't had their voices heard in this democracy. I wish the pundits would listen.
Quote by starling310:Quote by Raine: Gah. it is looking like hillary will be taking NH. The bright side is that we still have a true race!
Whatever will momma do tommorow?
Ah! I just read this. Okay, either I am not naive in my last post, or the pair of us are equally!
Quote by starling310: Yay Tom Brokaw! Excellent point!
Quote by livingonli: Hi all. Home from my dinner outing. See my 5:30-ish post. Nice night of dinner at the Cheesecake Factory with friends. Was listening to Mike Malloy on the ride home. Now I have MSNBC on the TV machine with Mike Malloy on the Sirius Machine.
SActually, yes! BUT... I am glad you got to see friends.
Quote by starling310: I can't afford to go to Chicago to pursue my dream. Will Hillary help me? Just curious.
Quote by shelaghc: Starling, I just finished eight years of living in Chicago. Don't count on finding your dream here.Quote by starling310: I can't afford to go to Chicago to pursue my dream. Will Hillary help me? Just curious.
Quote by starling310: Must be PMS...even Shills is making me tear up.
Quote by livingonli: Mike Malloy is saying that if Hillary is the nominee, he could not in good conscience vote for her. He will not keep going for the lesser of two evils.
Quote by starling310: As it should be Tim!
: tim russert : "Each state is going to make their own decision..."
Thank you! Yes! Let's all not be sheep this year, shall we?
Quote by Raine: What the hell was that sound? and asthmatic cameraperson?
Quote by Mondobubba: what no love for spotting Manimal? Oh we can't be humorous Mondo, its primary night!:kick can:
Quote by livingonli: MSNBC link- goes to Windows Media Player
Quote by Raine:Quote by Mondobubba: what no love for spotting Manimal? Oh we can't be humorous Mondo, its primary night!:kick can:
I thought it was hilarious, I wasn't logged on tho. I also was a little grossed out!
Quote by Raine: Jeepers, how come tweety can say that Obama looks young and clean and Biden got a rash of shit?
Quote by Mondobubba:Quote by Raine: Jeepers, how come tweety can say that Obama looks young and clean and Biden got a rash of shit?
He isn't running for office. Not to mention he has shit for brains. Oh did I say that? My bad. :skates to penalty box.
Quote by Raine: Jeepers, how come tweety can say that Obama looks young and clean and Biden got a rash of shit?
Quote by shelaghc:Quote by Raine: Jeepers, how come tweety can say that Obama looks young and clean and Biden got a rash of shit?
Because Tweety isn't a politician.
Quote by Mondobubba:Quote by shelaghc:Quote by Raine: Jeepers, how come tweety can say that Obama looks young and clean and Biden got a rash of shit?
Because Tweety isn't a politician.
Shelagh git outta my heed! :foilhat:
Quote by Mondobubba:Quote by shelaghc:Quote by Raine: Jeepers, how come tweety can say that Obama looks young and clean and Biden got a rash of shit?
Because Tweety isn't a politician.
Shelagh git outta my heed! :foilhat:
Quote by shelaghc:Quote by Mondobubba:Quote by shelaghc:Quote by Raine: Jeepers, how come tweety can say that Obama looks young and clean and Biden got a rash of shit?
Because Tweety isn't a politician.
Shelagh git outta my heed! :foilhat:
Heh. Yeah, but you said it more eloquently! *g*
You are much to kind, Ma'am. :tips hat amble down the wooden sidewalk:
Quote by Raine: No one is talking about the fact that Fred got 1% of the vote tonite.... {fred_gump}
Quote by shelaghc:You are much to kind, Ma'am. :tips hat amble down the wooden sidewalk:
Is that your tinfoil hat you're tipping?
Quote by Mondobubba:Quote by Raine: No one is talking about the fact that Fred got 1% of the vote tonite.... {fred_gump}
:penalty flag: gratuitous use of the Fred Gump AudiCon. 2 minute minor for Raine! :skates over to penalty box, holds door for the lady:
As the primaries start in New Hampshire this week and roll on through the next few months, the erratic behavior of voting technology will once again find itself under a microscope. In the last three election cycles, touch-screen machines have become one of the most mysterious and divisive elements in modern electoral politics. Introduced after the 2000 hanging-chad debacle, the machines were originally intended to add clarity to election results. But in hundreds of instances, the result has been precisely the opposite: they fail unpredictably, and in extremely strange ways; voters report that their choices “flip” from one candidate to another before their eyes; machines crash or begin to count backward; votes simply vanish. (In the 80-person town of Waldenburg, Ark., touch-screen machines tallied zero votes for one mayoral candidate in 2006 — even though he’s pretty sure he voted for himself.) Most famously, in the November 2006 Congressional election in Sarasota, Fla., touch-screen machines recorded an 18,000-person “undervote” for a race decided by fewer than 400 votes.
Quote by Raine:Quote by Mondobubba:Quote by Raine: No one is talking about the fact that Fred got 1% of the vote tonite.... {fred_gump}
:penalty flag: gratuitous use of the Fred Gump AudiCon. 2 minute minor for Raine! :skates over to penalty box, holds door for the lady:
IT wasn't THAT gratuitous.... Shelagh has not heard our audicons!!!
Quote by shelaghc: Hmmmm....
Here's a little tidbit that came from the Sam Seder Show blog:
Can You Count on Voting Machines?As the primaries start in New Hampshire this week and roll on through the next few months, the erratic behavior of voting technology will once again find itself under a microscope. In the last three election cycles, touch-screen machines have become one of the most mysterious and divisive elements in modern electoral politics. Introduced after the 2000 hanging-chad debacle, the machines were originally intended to add clarity to election results. But in hundreds of instances, the result has been precisely the opposite: they fail unpredictably, and in extremely strange ways; voters report that their choices “flip” from one candidate to another before their eyes; machines crash or begin to count backward; votes simply vanish. (In the 80-person town of Waldenburg, Ark., touch-screen machines tallied zero votes for one mayoral candidate in 2006 — even though he’s pretty sure he voted for himself.) Most famously, in the November 2006 Congressional election in Sarasota, Fla., touch-screen machines recorded an 18,000-person “undervote” for a race decided by fewer than 400 votes.
Quote by Mondobubba: :skate to penalty box. squirt squeeze bottle of what I think is Rainetinis:WHO PUT THE GATORADE IN HERE! Auggh!