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Mint Julep Anyone?
Author: Raine    Date: 11/26/2007 13:30:04

Trent is leaving...
NBC News has learned that Trent Lott's in the midst of informing close allies that he plans to resign his senate seat before the end of the year. It's possible a formal announcement of his plans could take place as early as today.
"Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house - he's lost his entire house - there's going to be a fantastic house, and I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch."

Details on this very big news as the day unfolds I am sure. I am hoping that perhaps we can all call our congresspersons again this week, or visit their offices in your home districts respectfully, to remind them of the Article II, Section 4 of the United States Constitution:
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Let's make George's wish our desire. Let's give him time to go sit with Trent on that porch.

The following is partial list of reasons you may incorporate into your letter, phone call, or actual visit. From Democrats.com:
* Invading Iraq without any threat to the U.S.
* Lying about Iraqi WMD's to Congress and the American people
* Causing the deaths of over 2,000 U.S. troops and the maiming of over 10,000 more
* Failing to provide adequate equipment and armor to U.S. troops
* Allowing illegal torture and murder of prisoners
* Causing the deaths of 100,000 Iraqi civilians
* Spending $300 billion in just two years for an occupation that could last for decades
* Letting Halliburton steal billions through no-bid contracts
* Using vast quantities of depleted uranium weapons that will poison Iraq now and for generations to come;

September 11
* Ignoring countless warnings of an attack in the U.S.
* Letting Osama Bin Laden escape from Afghanistan
* Holding no bureaucrat accountable for ignoring warnings
* Delaying and obstructing the 911 Commission investigation
* Turning Afghanistan into the world's largest opium producer;

* Allowing international terrorism incidents to quadruple and trying to cover up the facts
* Failing to secure our borders and ports to prevent terrorism
* Letting terrorists buy high-powered weapons inside the U.S.
* Letting North Korea build nuclear bombs and missiles that can cross the Pacific Ocean
* Refusing to shut down Pakistan's nuclear weapons exports;

* Letting gasoline prices double at devastating cost to the economy while oil companies make record profits
* Letting corrupt companies like Enron steal billions from consumers and employees
* Adding trillions to the national debt, which our children and grandchildren will have to pay off with interest;

* Letting bureaucrats wiretap Americans without a court order
* Locking up suspects for years without charges or trials
* Arresting nonviolent protesters at Bush events
* Ordering federal courts to interfere in the Terri Schiavo tragedy

* Stealing the Presidential elections of 2000 and 2004
* Refusing to investigate the disenfranchisement of tens of thousands of voters in Florida and Ohio
* Promoting black-box electronic voting machines without paper trails
* Embracing dictators in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Russia, and China
* Overthrowing democratically-elected leaders in Haiti and Venezuela;

* Illegally "outing" CIA agent Valerie Plame, an important anti-terrorism official
* Letting a gay male prostitute (Jeff Gannon) roam free in the White House
* Paying journalists to give favorable coverage to the administration
* Going AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard in 1972 and covering it up ever since
* Defending the most corrupt Member of Congress (Tom DeLay)

This list is partial, and even partisan. But the reality is we have a full blown assault on the Constitution of the United States of America, which as of this writing, is the world's oldest "still in use" Constitution. Hard to believe, I know. To me that shows the fragility and the rareness of our nation and our rule of law. Let's tell our elected officials that we love our country, and we need to have this American course corrected. It is more important than politics, as some would have us believe. IF the President of the United States , who swore to unhold the constitution (under OATH) won't do it, we, the people must, in order to 'achieve a more perfect union', as they say...

So yes, it is Monday. I put out some leftover Apple and Pumpkin Pie this morning. I sent the [im]Peach Pie to my representative's office... The espresso is on (and the home made whip cream tastes delish on top! Hang in there, Today is Cyber Monday so start your shopping from the comfort of your office chair!

See you inside... and

112 comments (Latest Comment: 11/27/2007 04:28:47 by livingonli)
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Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 13:59:27
Comment by BobR on 11/26/2007 14:12:54
morning, folks... :coffee2:

I think I'm on the downslope with this cold, but I'm still feeling phlemy...

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 14:20:17
Comment by starling310 on 11/26/2007 14:24:56
Good Morning all. :coffee:

I'll have to miss hour 2 of Momma...Farley has am appointment with the vet.

He will NOT be amused.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 14:28:46
60 BUCKS?!?!?!?! for a turkey? Momma paid 60 bucks for a turkey? Was it a 60 pound turkey?

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 14:29:22
Quote by starling310: Good Morning all. :coffee: I'll have to miss hour 2 of Momma...Farley has am appointment with the vet. He will NOT be amused.
Good morning! Is farley alright?

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 14:32:03
Good morning everyone.

Yesterday at work, I actually used the Fred Gump drop in conversation and I got a chuckle out of it. {Fred_Gump}

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 14:52:36
Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 14:54:40
I'm too sexy for my man boobs.

Comment by TriSec on 11/26/2007 14:56:00
Morning. Mine cave in.

But I have to be all provincial for just a moment.

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts predates the US constitution by a few years, and is in fact the oldest operating constitution in the world.

The author of ours, a Mr. Adams of Quincy, was also instrumental in writing the one for the US.

Anyway....back to the mine face.

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 14:58:00
Free TriSec.

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 15:02:03
Quote by Raine: 60 BUCKS?!?!?!?! for a turkey? Momma paid 60 bucks for a turkey? Was it a 60 pound turkey?

Holy Crap! Did it laid copper eggs or something? Think the most we've ever paid is list $25 and it feeds everyone just fine with leftovers.

Steph I think they saw ya coming darling.

BTW - MOrning All! :hug:

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 15:05:04
Morning Mala. Did you have a good weekend?

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 15:07:17
Quote by TriSec: The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts predates the US constitution by a few years, and is in fact the oldest operating constitution in the world
My apologies, I should have clarified, that the US constitution is the oldest National constitution still in use in the world...

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 15:08:26
:rofl: a presyterian? a virgin Rob roy? I love it!

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 15:09:35
Toonces was a cat, for the record,

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 15:10:59
Quote by livingonli: Morning Mala. Did you have a good weekend?

BUsy weekend. All the holiday decor is up and now I focus on the gift thing. Think I've determined not to do the office cookie swap this year. I don't need all the cookies that I can't control how they're made.

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 15:12:01
MMMmmmmm ice wine.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 15:17:43
Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 15:20:31
That's easy for him to say.

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 15:23:49
Quote by wickedpam: That's easy for him to say.

That's what she said.

I was looking for an excuse to use that.

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 15:26:05
Quote by livingonli:
Quote by wickedpam: That's easy for him to say.

That's what she said.

I was looking for an excuse to use that.


Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 15:26:15
Comment by BobR on 11/26/2007 15:26:36
Quote by wickedpam: MMMmmmmm ice wine.

Sweet and strong... just like I likes my men... :rofl:

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 15:29:36
Raw Story is speculating that Lott is stepping down before the new ethics laws kick in which would require him to wait 2 years before joining any lobbying group.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 15:41:52
I wish I could find some youtubery out there of a fish flopping on a boat deck ... whenever they talk about Mitt.

Comment by velveeta jones on 11/26/2007 15:42:16
Morning all.... I'll be checking in while looking for work (bore) and listening to Steph (natch). Hope everyone had a great turkey day!

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 15:43:00
Quote by livingonli: Raw Story is speculating that Lott is stepping down before the new ethics laws kick in which would require him to wait 2 years before joining any lobbying group.
PSSST. Liv... look at the first post of the bloggie!

Comment by velveeta jones on 11/26/2007 15:43:45
Quote by Raine: I wish I could find some youtubery out there of a fish flopping on a boat deck ... whenever they talk about Mitt.

Faith No More video from the early 90's - end of the vid. Fish flopping/dying.

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 15:44:04
Quote by Raine:
Quote by livingonli: Raw Story is speculating that Lott is stepping down before the new ethics laws kick in which would require him to wait 2 years before joining any lobbying group.
PSSST. Liv... look at the first post of the bloggie!

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 15:57:04
She posed ala Calander Girls.

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 16:11:01
I graduated HS in 85 and we were just starting to get computers in NC. But there was a computer in my math class in the early 80's.

Comment by velveeta jones on 11/26/2007 16:21:50
I remember my school getting a Commadore 64 (or something similar) in 82 or 83. With those actual floppy disks (5.25")! WOW.

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 16:22:25
I remember the TRS-80's when they were sold at Radio Shack.

I got my first PC in '97 although a couple of my friends and co-workers were already on the internet and the first 2 years I was on dial-up before I got the cable modem.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:28:21
BTW, it is still Raining in the ATL! Sonny must have prayed again?

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:35:11
Nothing like a little pepper spray in your mace... me I would have gone with some powdered Niacin...

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 16:35:52
I have to say I enjoy the AAR Phoneix Christmas ad they've been playing.

LIttle Girl: "I want imprechment procedings."

Santa: "How about an iPod?"

Little Girl: "NO!"

Crowd of Children: "Draft Gore! Draft Gore! Draft Gore!"

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 16:37:11
Am I the only one who's seen "Under the Rainbow"?

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:37:39
Quote by velveeta jones: I remember my school getting a Commadore 64 (or something similar) in 82 or 83. With those actual floppy disks (5.25")! WOW.
YES! I remember those! I also remeber opur teacher telling us you could use actual Tape recorders to save information... it was a small school... it was a poor school... Let me make my self clear... my teacher had a wide stance.

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 16:38:18
Quote by wickedpam: Am I the only one who's seen "Under the Rainbow"?

Eh, it's a possibility.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:38:44
Quote by wickedpam: I have to say I enjoy the AAR Phoneix Christmas ad they've been playing. LIttle Girl: "I want imprechment procedings." Santa: "How about an iPod?" Little Girl: "NO!" Crowd of Children: "Draft Gore! Draft Gore! Draft Gore!"
I really need to stop tuning out the commericals.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:39:33
:larry King Voice:
.... you know who you are!!! ;)

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 16:41:26
Quote by livingonli:
Quote by wickedpam: Am I the only one who's seen "Under the Rainbow"?

Eh, it's a possibility.

Under the Rainbow

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:41:37
to the republican humour.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:42:39
Semen stained?

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 16:43:32
Can someone tell the righties that the New York Times isn't all that liberal. Why did they print the lies of Judith Miller which helped spread propaganda for the invasion of Iraq?

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 16:45:09
Quote by Raine: Semen stained?

I think it's more likely that W was doing this to the Saddam execution video.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:45:36
NYC Fire Chief: Rudy Ran away like a coward on 9/11

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:51:22
You know I always find it HYlarious when my mother says I don't want to talk politics AFTER she brings it up.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 16:53:30
Lake niagra wine... Genny cream ale... ah... those western NY cocktails ... they helped to boost the aspirin sales all over the place.

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 16:53:55
There are Friendly's here on Long Island. I do love the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Sundae.

Comment by TriSec on 11/26/2007 16:54:51
Hi gang. The rescue team made it to me with a rebreather and some food and water; I'll be out in a bit.

Old computers, eh? My senior class (Saugus High School, 1984) was the first through Saugus to have computers. We had Apples, if I recall. One of my friends had a Texas Instruments that we actually did store things on a tape recorder.

10 Print "School is lame"

20 Goto 10

30 REM this assignment sucks

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 16:54:56
Quote by Raine: You know I always find it HYlarious when my mother says I don't want to talk politics AFTER she brings it up.

That sounds very passive-aggressive around here.

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 16:58:09
Speaking of sexual harassment;

t's not like Isiah Thomas was fired after he lost the sexual harassment suit that cost Cablevision $11 million and James Dolan $3 million from his own pocket for not doing anything about the sexually charged atmosphere. And he still has a job even as the Knicks continue to lose games.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 17:01:45
Quote by livingonli:
Quote by Raine: You know I always find it HYlarious when my mother says I don't want to talk politics AFTER she brings it up.
That sounds very passive-aggressive around here.
That is part of it... the other part is that if it is not on foc news, computer cannot compute.

Comment by TriSec on 11/26/2007 17:02:39

MIAMI - Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor was in critical condition after he was shot at his Florida home Monday, police said.

Miami-Dade County police officers were dispatched to Taylor's home at about 1:45 a.m. and found him shot. He was then airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital, police Detective Alvaro Zabaleta said. He didn't know where on Taylor's body he was shot.

A brief statement from the Redskins said Taylor was undergoing treatment at the Miami hospital and that police were investigating. His family has asked that no information about his condition be released at this point, said hospital spokeswoman Lorraine Nelson.

Taylor has a home in the Miami suburb of Palmetto Bay that he bought for US$900,000 two years ago.

Taylor, 24, is in his fourth season with the Redskins after playing at the University of Miami, where he was an all-American in 2003. He leads the team with five interceptions but has missed the last two games with a knee injury.

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 17:02:58
Quote by Raine:
Quote by livingonli:
Quote by Raine: You know I always find it HYlarious when my mother says I don't want to talk politics AFTER she brings it up.

That sounds very passive-aggressive around here.
That is part of it... the other part is that if it is not on foc news, computer cannot compute.

That sounds like when I have to refute claims from my neo-con brother. :brick wall:

Do we have the banging head on the wall emoticon?

Comment by BobR on 11/26/2007 17:04:11
Quote by TriSec: Hi gang. The rescue team made it to me with a rebreather and some food and water; I'll be out in a bit.

Old computers, eh? My senior class (Saugus High School, 1984) was the first through Saugus to have computers. We had Apples, if I recall. One of my friends had a Texas Instruments that we actually did store things on a tape recorder.

10 Print "School is lame"

20 Goto 10

30 REM this assignment sucks


Our high school did NOT have computers, unless there was an old UNIX box in the office somewhere (doubtful). We DID have electric typewriters, though :P

Our house, on the other hand, had an old UNIX mini-frame that my Dad salvaged from his office. It had a teletype interface.

I first used a computer in college. Again, it was a miniframe UNIX box and we saved our programs on punch cards.

On my first job we used HP "calculators" which saved their programs on mini-cassettes.

It wasn't until my job in the late 80's - early 90's where we started using PCs. We used dial-up BBSes until the mid-90's when we got Internet service.

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 17:05:31
And also my neo-con brother has said that the Iraqi weapons are in Syria.

Comment by velveeta jones on 11/26/2007 17:08:24
Quote by TriSec: Hi gang. The rescue team made it to me with a rebreather and some food and water; I'll be out in a bit.

Old computers, eh? My senior class (Saugus High School, 1984) was the first through Saugus to have computers. We had Apples, if I recall. One of my friends had a Texas Instruments that we actually did store things on a tape recorder.

10 Print "School is lame"

20 Goto 10

30 REM this assignment sucks

OMG! Does that ^^ bring back memories!





Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 17:08:25
Thom almost had me there.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 17:10:16
Tri, you left speechless!

Comment by starling310 on 11/26/2007 17:37:41
Quote by Raine: [Good morning! Is farley alright?

I was right; he was NOT amused.

He got ear drops, had his nails clipped and the Doctor found a heart murmur.

I have been noticing very subtle weight loss for about a month. It might be his heart. We'll have to follow up with an ultrasound.

I pick him up all the time...that's how I noticed he felt a bit lighter.

Comment by velveeta jones on 11/26/2007 17:41:51
Quote by starling310:
Quote by Raine: [Good morning! Is farley alright?

I was right; he was NOT amused.

He got ear drops, had his nails clipped and the Doctor found a heart murmur.

I have been noticing very subtle weight loss for about a month. It might be his heart. We'll have to follow up with an ultrasound.

I pick him up all the time...that's how I noticed he felt a bit lighter.

Star, my wife had two cats and one had a heart murmer, they lived 21 and 20 years!! So, please don't be too worried until you hear more from the doc.

Comment by starling310 on 11/26/2007 17:46:27
Quote by velveeta jones:

Star, my wife had two cats and one had a heart murmer, they lived 21 and 20 years!! So, please don't be too worried until you hear more from the doc.

Yeah, the Doctor didn't seem too concerned.

We'll ultrasound him just to make sure it isn't Cardio Miopathy, or anything.

Thanks though...Good to hear. ;)

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 17:47:53
OK... the turkey soup is cooking... I have enough soup to last all winter!

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 17:49:06
Welcome back and

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 17:50:55
Good vibes for 's

Comment by livingonli on 11/26/2007 17:59:11
I'm going to go head out for a bit. My living room set is acting funky, so I think I may have finally found a reason to get an HD set.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 18:00:04
SCotUS should be announcing it's rejected cases later on this afternoon, in case anyone was wondering... I know I am actually...

Comment by TriSec on 11/26/2007 18:03:54
Quote by Raine: OK... the turkey soup is cooking... I have enough soup to last all winter!

Lessee, Google says 1092 miles, 17 hours. THat works out to about 65 mph. Bah, I can beat that. :launches car southwesterly:

I don't have a turkey carcass this year.

Comment by TriSec on 11/26/2007 18:05:30
Quote by Raine: SCotUS should be announcing it's rejected cases later on this afternoon, in case anyone was wondering... I know I am actually...

I'm sure we can work that "R" into the acronym and get a SCROTUS somewheres.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 18:34:59
Just had lunch! you will never guess what it was!!!

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 18:36:36
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by Raine: OK... the turkey soup is cooking... I have enough soup to last all winter!
Lessee, Google says 1092 miles, 17 hours. THat works out to about 65 mph. Bah, I can beat that. :launches car southwesterly: I don't have a turkey carcass this year.
I will make sure and have it ready... and with homeade dinner rolls too!

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 18:39:14
Thom is so right... The ® party is trying to keep this entire economy bubble gummed, paper clip and scotch taped together and lay the blame on the next administration. :bad:

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 18:40:10
IS everyone still recuperating from T-Day?

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 19:02:49
Today at the off-camera briefing, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said she has discussed Scott McClellan's forthcoming book with the president, and Perino said President Bush "has not and would not knowingly pass false information."
:rofl: She knows because she asked him!!! oh... my sides hurt!!!

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 19:17:09
Trent Lott's resignation speech

Comment by velveeta jones on 11/26/2007 19:48:09
Quote by Raine:
Today at the off-camera briefing, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said she has discussed Scott McClellan's forthcoming book with the president, and Perino said President Bush "has not and would not knowingly pass false information."

:rofl: She knows because she asked him!!! oh... my sides hurt!!!

Wh-what? Are you in-sin-u-ate-in that bush ain't honest?

Too funny.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 20:25:13
:yadda: Randi Bitchin about her flight Still??... oh and BTW.... What is wrong with Bob???? Randi...

Comment by starling310 on 11/26/2007 20:29:35

Oh...I nodded off during Randi's joke delivery.

Comment by starling310 on 11/26/2007 20:31:43
:coffee: <-------------- Lady Grey.


Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 20:32:14
Still waiting for the meeting between Gore and Bush... Going to turn on the TV machine, as the meeting was supposed to happen around 3 pm...

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 20:33:37
BREAKING NEWS: Cheney is being taken to the hospital for a heart evaluation... he is experiencing abnormal rythms... NO this is not a drill...

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:02:14
Cheney's pacemaker is one that is supposed to regulate this ailment. Basically it seems as tho his pace maker has failed.

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 21:02:57
Quote by Raine: BREAKING NEWS: Cheney is being taken to the hospital for a heart evaluation... he is experiencing abnormal rythms... NO this is not a drill...

Bold mine

Abnormal? LIke it's actually beating? Thought he replaced that with a coal burning one? :scratchhead:

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:03:57
Watching msnbc, Dan abrams is on... with the "breaking News" about missing white woman, NAtalie Halloway, this must man that Cheney's heart ailment is serious. (I know I know )

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:05:11
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine: BREAKING NEWS: Cheney is being taken to the hospital for a heart evaluation... he is experiencing abnormal rythms... NO this is not a drill...
Bold mine Abnormal? LIke it's actually beating? Thought he replaced that with a coal burning one? :scratchhead:
:rofl: clean coal, in fact!!!

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:06:18
Rain is over in the atl. less than an inch... . that means practically no impact to the drought situation.

Comment by wickedpam on 11/26/2007 21:11:23
Quote by Raine: Rain is over in the atl. less than an inch... . that means practically no impact to the drought situation.

Heard this morning that it would take 3 weeks of steady falling rain to get ya'll back to where you're suppose to be.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:19:22
I was just reading that a few minutes ago... The lead singer of Quiot Riot has died.... :banana: Come on feel your boyz. girls F*ck some toys...

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:22:44
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine: Rain is over in the atl. less than an inch... . that means practically no impact to the drought situation.
Heard this morning that it would take 3 weeks of steady falling rain to get ya'll back to where you're suppose to be.
It is crazy bad. They said in the paper on sunday that we need 4 inches of steady over at LEAST a 24 hour period to at least begin to reverse the lakes from dropping water levels. The only thing we can do is conserve to stave off the water running out. That is now the only contingency plan in place! (oh and praying... )

Comment by velveeta jones on 11/26/2007 21:37:55
Quote by Raine: BREAKING NEWS: Cheney is being taken to the hospital for a heart evaluation... he is experiencing abnormal rythms... NO this is not a drill...

Just told this news to my wife, and she sounded just a tad too happy about this! *snicker*

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:49:36
Listening to Randy, I am wondering why anyone would sign up for service these days... Wal Mart has better benefits..... and that includes life insurance, health and disability. That certainly ain't saying much either. :(

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:51:29
Quote by velveeta jones:
Quote by Raine: BREAKING NEWS: Cheney is being taken to the hospital for a heart evaluation... he is experiencing abnormal rythms... NO this is not a drill...
Just told this news to my wife, and she sounded just a tad too happy about this! *snicker*
Still waiting for updates... the news cycle suddenly got VERY quiet about it.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:56:51
Still listening to Randi... caller making a prediction that familis will be asked to pay to bury the dead soldiers... I would like to add to that prediction... it will only be families that didn't meet the sign on bonus requirements. THAT is how they would try to get around it.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:58:25
The troops cannot unionize Randi... They give up that right when they sign thier papers.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 21:59:48
as a happy side note... I am starting a new painting. I just did a really cool nude. I am doing another one.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 22:37:39
Is it me, or have the last TWO callers regarding this signing bonus *issue* been latino? this would not be a pattern or anything would it???

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 22:39:21
I think I am talking to myself, listenigng to the radio machine...

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 22:41:02
This guy has an amazing story... Quantico, for gods sake. They are sending our troops to Quantico for trumped up bullshit charges.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 22:46:46
LTR: (Listening to Randi from here on out, friends) 26 other marines sent home for medical reasons, being forced back into the marines. they signed the DD214, (which is the contract between the troops and the gov saying you r are done and released) and yet somehow, they ended up in jail. Disgusting.

Comment by TriSec on 11/26/2007 23:42:41
It's wrong for me to scream at the radio "DIE!!! JUST DIE, YOU FUCK!!!" when they're talking about Cheney, right?

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 23:46:40
Quote by TriSec: It's wrong for me to scream at the radio "DIE!!! JUST DIE, YOU FUCK!!!" when they're talking about Cheney, right?
We still have the first amendment...... We still have freedom of speech. it is watered down, but we still have them.... so I am gonna say YES. (as an update:: still no further word on Cheney. ) If you got updates, please post them here.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 23:48:08
:yawn: Bobber with a wicked cold=Raine with no sleep.

Comment by Raine on 11/26/2007 23:56:08
Now, I am gonna say something...Who would replace Cheney? And does ANYONE remember this article???? Basically, it was/IS the GOP plan to oust Cheney by the GOP.... But bottom line.... WE were told that the GOP was playing head games with the Dems during the Kucinich Impeachment issue... What if that shite was real? What if the GOP really wants Dick cut out?

Comment by livingonli on 11/27/2007 00:20:41
I wonder if something was put in Dick Cheney like it supposedly was in Bill Casey?

And I spent the afternoon looking at HD sets in different stores. I will most likely end up getting a 32-inch model unless I can get a really good deal on a 37-inch one. Space and money doesn't allow me a bigger TV.

Comment by livingonli on 11/27/2007 00:24:32
Going to be foggy and rainy tonight here. Would the ATL contingent like me to send it down?

Comment by livingonli on 11/27/2007 01:53:59
Tonight's worst persons;

3. John Gibson- Would give a medal to Karl Rove for outing Valerie Wilson.

2. Rudy Guiliani- now claiming he voted Nixon instead of McGovern.

1. The New York Post- for mocking a poll that said majority of Americans who think that US Government had advance knowledge of 9-11 tactics.

I wouldn't even use the New York Post as a pooper scooper or to line bird cages.

Comment by Mondobubba on 11/27/2007 02:15:55
Quote by TriSec: It's wrong for me to scream at the radio "DIE!!! JUST DIE, YOU FUCK!!!" when they're talking about Cheney, right?

Not at all, Tri. I was thinking ill thoughts when I heard he was in the hospital.

Comment by livingonli on 11/27/2007 04:28:47
Pittsburgh just made the first score of the game with only seconds to play. Looks like Miami's going 0-11.