Yesterday was a day of excess and gluttony of the gastronomic variety. Today is Black Friday, a day of excess and gluttony of the consumerism variety. It's the "Friday after Thanksgiving Sales" day, and - with dollars stretched further than they have in a long time - it promises to be as fierce as ever, with shoppers looking for the biggest bargains they can find.
There will be the traffic and "parking" reports on the news stations, stores opening before the chickens are up (and people waiting in line for the doors to open), extra-special sale prices only good for one day and even then only good from 7AM to noon. Undoubtedly, we will see news reports tonight of fights that broke out or people that got trampled in a stampede.
All this for Jesus's birthday party. I'm sure He would be happy...
The term "Black Friday" is often used to describe today, usually to indicate that retailers move into the black after being in the red all year. Although it is the
busiest shopping day of the year, the common myth that it is the day that the most dollars are spent
is a myth.
The consistent holiday shopping trend is that sales figures spike on the day after Thanksgiving, drop sharply immediately afterwards, then steadily increase throughout December, peaking on the four days comprising the two weekends before Christmas. The result is that Black Friday nearly always ends up ranking below the last Saturday before Christmas...
In response to this, there is a counter-movement known as
Buy Nothing Day. The idea is to change one's ways, consume less and produce less waste. It seems to me that putting one's dollars and energy towards the betterment of one's society is much better than buying yet another unneeded sweater or trinket.
I think that's the best birthday present anyone could ask for.