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Forcibly Taking Away History
Author: Raine    Date: 08/23/2012 13:01:46

What is rape and date rape?

Rape is sex you don't agree to, including forcing a body part or object into your vagina, rectum (bottom), or mouth. Date rape is when you are raped by someone you know, like a boyfriend. Both are crimes. Rape is not about sex. it is an act of power by the rapist and it is always wrong.

Date rape drugs, which often have no smell or taste, can be given to you without you knowing at parties or in a club, especially where alcohol is served. Alcohol can make you less aware of danger and make you less able to think clearly and resist sexual assault. If you are given date rape drugs, you may not be able to say "no" to unwanted sex and you may not be able to clearly remember what happened.

Remember: even if you were drinking, it is NOT your fault.
The above is from GirlsHealth.gov The site is owned and maintained by the Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It's an official government site geared towards girls and young women between the ages 10 to 16 to "learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. Girlshealth.gov promotes healthy and positive behaviors in girls, giving them reliable and useful health information in a fun, easy-to-understand way. The website also provides information to parents and educators to help them teach girls about healthy living."

Date Rape doesn't stop once a person turns 17. It's important that we have sites like this out there for the younger people in our nation. Date rape is Rape. It no less forceable or legitimate form of rape. Here are a few things about rape.
Myth: Rape is only committed by strangers in dark alleys and parking lots.
Fact: As many as 84 percent of women are raped by someone they know, such as friends, family or an acquaintance.

Myth: If a woman is raped, then she must have deserved it, especially if she agreed to go to the man's room or wore sexy clothing.
Fact: No one deserves to be raped. Being in a man's room or wearing revealing clothing does not mean a woman has agreed to have sex.

Myth: Women who don't physically fight back haven't been raped.
Fact: If a woman did not or could not consent to having sex, it is considered rape. Forcing a woman to have sex against her will, whether she physically fights back or not, is rape, plain and simple.
There are a lot more Myths and facts there. Here is another fact-- Not all women who are raped are quite mature enough to understand that they actually were raped. They aren't all over the age of 18. They may be female, but that doesn't automatically make them knowledgeable of what rape actually is.

Rape is sex you don't agree to, including forcing a body part or object into your vagina, rectum (bottom), or mouth.

Here are some more statistics:
For every 1,000 women attending college, there will be 35 incidents of rape in a given academic year.
51.8 percent of rapes occur after midnight.
62 percent of completed rapes occur by classmates or friends.
16 percent of male students who committed rape, and 10 percent of those who attempted rape, did so with at least one other attacker.
57 percent of rapes occur while out on a date.
Women are 10 times more likely than men to be victims of rape or sexual assault.

The GOP has been attempting to redefine what rape is. "Legitimate", "forceable" are a few terms that we have seen tossed around the past few days. There is a definite idea that some rapes are more serious than others according to people like Paul Ryan. People like him believe abortion access should only be if the life of the pregnant women is in danger-- people like Paul Ryan like to say the word mother-- except, they aren't-- they are pregnant. In the eyes of some men, if a rape isn't forceable, a woman should not have access to abortion should she become pregnant. Rape and incest are not a good enough reason for them to allow a woman to have access to an abortion. To them, Date rape isn't even a legitimate rape because often times, it's not forceful rape in their view. A 13 year old girl who may not know what sex is gets raped by a neighbor, possibly one she trusted -- and it is not longer really a rape. In the meantime we have the federal government saying it is. How do we teach our young women with such conflicting messages?

In other words, if a woman was raped by an acquaintance, that rape didn't really happen. What kind of message does this send to our nations youth? What type of message does it send when we tell women : IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT only to find out that now it suddenly IS their fault because they were not "forcibly" raped?

It sends the message that their history is no longer legitimate in the eyes of other people. Imagine that for a minute. Read this person's story
On a rainy night, whose events I'd suppressed for years until hearing a report about date rape on NPR brought it back.

Following a big exam, my resident advisor (RA) treated his rugby friends and me to a beer at a neighborhood roadhouse. After we returned to the dorm and said our goodnights, there was a knock at my door. The rugby team captain asked if he could sleep on my roommate's vacant bed, since it would be such a rainy walk up campus.

I still don't know why I let him in. I was not drunk; I remember every minute of the next hour. I said no, he said yes. I struggled; he was the rugby player. When he had finished raping me, he went back to his dorm in the rain. I remember him calling the next day to 'see how I was' I remember hearing people laughing in the background.

He was the friend of my RA, someone I respected. It didn't make sense. I told no one. I stayed in my nightgown the whole next day.

For years I thought that by letting the guy in, I was somehow complicit in the crime.
According to Paul Ryan and Todd Akin, that rape was not legitimate or forceable enough.

I'm glad you have read this far.....

I've been thinking a lot about this. I am horrified and astounded that these people would put the burden of rape back on women, as if it is our fault. I'm angry. It is personal for me; I am a rape survivor. I knew my attacker. For a period of time, I too thought I was complicit. According to the GOP, my rape never happened. That means my recovery, my education, my knowledge of what happened to me in 1986 didn't really happen. That is my history, and I am proud of my history, warts and all. I don't want people to feel sorry for me, and I am not a victim anymore. I am stronger because of what I unfortunately went through. Given a choice, I would rather have chosen to be strong without being raped. This is who I am. I went to Planned Parenthood and got the help I needed after I was raped. It changed my life, in many ways for the better. I have chosen to take my experiences to advocate for others that may have gone through what I did, or to prevent it from happening to people in my life.

The thing is, you know people who have been raped. They may not be telling you for whatever reason they choose. The least of these reasons should be shame. I don't want people to be told that what happened to them really didn't happen. That is cruel. It also can be deadly.

I resent the Republican party for trying to erase my history and the history of every woman that has ever been raped. How we choose to go forward should be our choice, not defined by a radical ideology that I would call rape deniers. Don't let them do that to us.

Don't let them take away my history. Thank you for letting me share it.





91 comments (Latest Comment: 08/24/2012 00:55:13 by BobR)
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Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 13:05:53

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 13:08:34

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:13:10
Thanks guys.

This was not easy for me to write, but after 26 years, it was time.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:14:22

So I saw this last night - been in a funk since,

Electoral College Predicts Romney Win

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:15:41

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 13:16:18
Raine....can you get the media interested in this blog? Even a local site, like Patch or something? This needs a wider circulation than our little corner of the internets.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:19:18
Quote by TriSec:
Raine....can you get the media interested in this blog? Even a local site, like Patch or something? This needs a wider circulation than our little corner of the internets.
Let me think on it.

I wasn't even sure if I could write it this morning. I had a long talk with bob about this one, and his full support. This morning when I woke up I wasn't sure if I had it in me. Thing is, I am not ashamed to talk to people about it -- it is hard to put it to words.

I never told my parents. I don't want to hurt my mom.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:19:57
Ok, for some reason I can't share this on FB - getting some sort of Chrome error

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:21:06
Plus, I am waiting for BobR to read it. He's still on route to the office.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:21:35
Quote by wickedpam:
Ok, for some reason I can't share this on FB - getting some sort of Chrome error
Let me adjust the title, it could be the colon.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:22:59
Try it now, MAla.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:23:46
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Ok, for some reason I can't share this on FB - getting some sort of Chrome error
Let me adjust the title, it could be the colon.

no worries, I'll wait until you guys share it first

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:27:42
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Ok, for some reason I can't share this on FB - getting some sort of Chrome error
Let me adjust the title, it could be the colon.

no worries, I'll wait until you guys share it first
I shared it. I figure Bobber can still edit it when he gets in the office.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:29:50
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Ok, for some reason I can't share this on FB - getting some sort of Chrome error
Let me adjust the title, it could be the colon.

no worries, I'll wait until you guys share it first
I shared it. I figure Bobber can still edit it when he gets in the office.

must be my computer doing something weird, still can't share

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:30:50
FB said you shared it.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:31:12
forgot I could just share straight from FB

having a day already

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 13:32:32
Oh, and I'll want to put this out to Newsvine later today.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:33:21
a year ago today


Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:33:52
Quote by TriSec:
Oh, and I'll want to put this out to Newsvine later today.
That's fine, Tri.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:34:11
Quote by wickedpam:
a year ago today


Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 13:38:09
I'm still processing. So many things swirling in my brain.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:38:18
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
a year ago today


suppose I shouldn't joke, Washington Monument is still closed, the Nat. Cathedral got some bad damage and the people down in Mineral, VA are still shaken (no pun intended) up. Just in comparing it to CA its kinda funny the way everyone panicked around here

Comment by BobR on 08/23/2012 13:44:12
Quote by wickedpam:

So I saw this last night - been in a funk since,

Electoral College Predicts Romney Win

This map says differently: Electoral Map Prediction

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:48:23
Quote by BobR:
Quote by wickedpam:

So I saw this last night - been in a funk since,

Electoral College Predicts Romney Win

This map says differently: Electoral Map Prediction

I like that one and the one at Real Clear Politics better, just still really feeling unsettled. It shouldn't be this close and I can't understand why it is.

Its not like it used to be when your opponent won, you didn't feel like they were actively out to hurt people. Just feel like if they win the attitude of "I've got mine and screw you" is going to worse.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 13:50:48
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by BobR:
Quote by wickedpam:

So I saw this last night - been in a funk since,

Electoral College Predicts Romney Win

This map says differently: Electoral Map Prediction

I like that one and the one at Real Clear Politics better, just still really feeling unsettled. It shouldn't be this close and I can't understand why it is.

Its not like it used to be when your opponent won, you didn't feel like they were actively out to hurt people. Just feel like if they win the attitude of "I've got mine and screw you" is going to worse.

POlls aren't what they used to be, Mala.

Don;t be complacent, but know the media needs a narrative -- and havingaclose race helps ratings.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 13:51:27
Quote by wickedpam:
a year ago today


It is funny Mala. Trust me.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 13:52:47
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by BobR:
Quote by wickedpam:

So I saw this last night - been in a funk since,

Electoral College Predicts Romney Win

This map says differently: Electoral Map Prediction

I like that one and the one at Real Clear Politics better, just still really feeling unsettled. It shouldn't be this close and I can't understand why it is.

Its not like it used to be when your opponent won, you didn't feel like they were actively out to hurt people. Just feel like if they win the attitude of "I've got mine and screw you" is going to worse.

POlls aren't what they used to be, Mala.

Don;t be complacent, but know the media needs a narrative -- and havingaclose race helps ratings.

it does and I don't rule that out

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 14:03:26
538.com has Obama ahead right now, too.

They called 2008 perfectly; I'm inclined to believe most of their data.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 14:04:08
Raine, I said I was processing. The best way for me to verbalize your revalation is word salad. Scary. Sympathy. Anger. Strength. Wonderful person. I can't this clearly, sorry

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 14:04:55
Quote by TriSec:
538.com has Obama ahead right now, too.

They called 2008 perfectly; I'm inclined to believe most of their data.

That is who I would rely on as well. Mr. Silver is wicked smart.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 14:13:19
Quote by Mondobubba:
Raine, I said I was processing. The best way for me to verbalize your revalation is word salad. Scary. Sympathy. Anger. Strength. Wonderful person. I can't this clearly, sorry
Aww, Mondo. Thank you.

I appreciate the sympathy, but I am long past the point of wanting it -- hope that makes sense. This (and I say this with true love and respect) is why I was nervous about sharing the story. As I said, it was time to share it because what they are trying to do is tell me that what happened to me didn't happen. That pisses me off.

I don't want anyone to think any differently of me. That said, I perhaps should welcome empathy, I suppose. Maybe that is part of the journey for me? Who knows. Maybe I thought that journey was over, but clearly it's not -- Feeling the need to share this was a little more important than I thought.

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 14:18:05
Quote by Raine:

Maybe I thought that journey was over, but clearly it's not.

This is the issue. You put this behind you, but the GOP is not satisfied to let it rest. I don't understand what they are trying to do, except hold onto power in a Gotterdamerung/Downfall style of collapse and desperation.

This election needs to change focus. No offense, but screw the economy. Obama wants to win, women's issues should be on his lips every minute of every day from here on in. And I wish he would get hoppin' mad about this.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 14:19:11
Quote by Raine:
Quote by Mondobubba:
Raine, I said I was processing. The best way for me to verbalize your revalation is word salad. Scary. Sympathy. Anger. Strength. Wonderful person. I can't this clearly, sorry
Aww, Mondo. Thank you.

I appreciate the sympathy, but I am long past the point of wanting it -- hope that makes sense. This (and I say this with true love and respect) is why I was nervous about sharing the story. As I said, it was time to share it because what they are trying to do is tell me that what happened to me didn't happen. That pisses me off.

I don't want anyone to think any differently of me. That said, I perhaps should welcome empathy, I suppose. Maybe that is part of the journey for me? Who knows. Maybe I thought that journey was over, but clearly it's not -- Feeling the need to share this was a little more important than I thought.

Now that the brain is really kicking in, what you said about the journey is something else that comes to mind. The person you are is the some total of all the experiences you've had. The good and the bad. What you do with them is the important thing. As a wise man said, "Ain't no shame in holding on to grief. What you do with it is what matters." That sentiment can be applied to any circumstance.

Comment by Scoopster on 08/23/2012 14:23:07
Mornin' all & Happy FriThursdee!

Huddle 'round bloggeristas, because we're about to have a Newsroom moment. Well okay not quite, but close! Without further delay, THE REAL BREAKING NEWS!

Iceland proves convincingly that ANTI-AUSTERITY and ANTI-CORPORATE WELFARE measures work

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 14:25:21
I am saddened to report that my "miracle radio" seems to be on its last legs.

And the Sox shall not win again.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 14:28:44
Quote by TriSec:
I am saddened to report that my "miracle radio" seems to be on its last legs.

And the Sox shall not win again.

Bummer. You know I had a friend who gave his leg so the Sox could win, right?

Comment by Scoopster on 08/23/2012 14:34:03
BTW Raine, seriously EXCELLENT & moving piece of writing today.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 14:37:52
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by Raine:

Maybe I thought that journey was over, but clearly it's not.

This is the issue. You put this behind you, but the GOP is not satisfied to let it rest. I don't understand what they are trying to do, except hold onto power in a Gotterdamerung/Downfall style of collapse and desperation.

This election needs to change focus. No offense, but screw the economy. Obama wants to win, women's issues should be on his lips every minute of every day from here on in. And I wish he would get hoppin' mad about this.

While I say that I thought the journey was behind me, the experience never was.

Strange thought. My journey was from being raped to not letting it me hurt me as a woman, a person. When I reconciled that I was not guilty of 'allowing a man to rape me', a good portion of that journey ended. I am afraid that we are returning to a period of women thinking they deserved it.

I wanted to take that experience and do something with it. I never wanted to bury it away, it always stayed there right under the surface -- available to anyone who needed it.

Obama has to deal with a shitload of issues on any given day. I think he is doing everything he can for women, under the circumstances.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 14:38:38
Quote by Scoopster:
BTW Raine, seriously EXCELLENT & moving piece of writing today.

Thank you, Scoop.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 14:49:26
Comment by BobR on 08/23/2012 14:56:47
Quote by TriSec:
I am saddened to report that my "miracle radio" seems to be on its last legs.

And the Sox shall not win again.

Comment by Scoopster on 08/23/2012 14:58:26
Quote by TriSec:
I am saddened to report that my "miracle radio" seems to be on its last legs.

And the Sox shall not win again.

From this day forth, the miracle radio shall be known by the name Carl Crawford!

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 15:01:17
Quote by Raine:
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by Raine:

Maybe I thought that journey was over, but clearly it's not.

This is the issue. You put this behind you, but the GOP is not satisfied to let it rest. I don't understand what they are trying to do, except hold onto power in a Gotterdamerung/Downfall style of collapse and desperation.

This election needs to change focus. No offense, but screw the economy. Obama wants to win, women's issues should be on his lips every minute of every day from here on in. And I wish he would get hoppin' mad about this.

While I say that I thought the journey was behind me, the experience never was.

Strange thought. My journey was from being raped to not letting it me hurt me as a woman, a person. When I reconciled that I was not guilty of 'allowing a man to rape me', a good portion of that journey ended. I am afraid that we are returning to a period of women thinking they deserved it.

I wanted to take that experience and do something with it. I never wanted to bury it away, it always stayed there right under the surface -- available to anyone who needed it.

Obama has to deal with a shitload of issues on any given day. I think he is doing everything he can for women, under the circumstances.

I totally get what you are saying. I look at the negative things that happen as branches in a road. You can go down the easier road which, in my mind is wallowing in the negativity. When you go down the harder road, which to me is the journey of self-discovery, you take strength from the negative, and move past it.

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 15:04:35
Quote by Mondobubba:
Tampa! What a shithole!


You all spent $15bn on infrastructure here in my city, which had and still has a multitude of issues, but those cardinal improvements to the downtown core have been absolutely transformative.

Boston always was a walking city, but now with the greenway, big airy vistas, and yes, the dreaded "smart growth" going on....well, you look at where we stand in the recovery and you tell me.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 15:17:04
"Its tribal" that's it on the head. THanks Mudcat. It is tribal.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 15:39:21
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by Mondobubba:
Tampa! What a shithole!


You all spent $15bn on infrastructure here in my city, which had and still has a multitude of issues, but those cardinal improvements to the downtown core have been absolutely transformative.

Boston always was a walking city, but now with the greenway, big airy vistas, and yes, the dreaded "smart growth" going on....well, you look at where we stand in the recovery and you tell me.

This is what I just don't get about conservatives/Republicans. They are all about the adage it takes money to make money. When you make civic improvements (spending money to make the citiy livable for example) businessess come back to the city center, tax revenue is generated, rents and other income for businesses goes up and everybody wins. Sounds like a plan to me.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 15:45:17
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by Mondobubba:
Tampa! What a shithole!


You all spent $15bn on infrastructure here in my city, which had and still has a multitude of issues, but those cardinal improvements to the downtown core have been absolutely transformative.

Boston always was a walking city, but now with the greenway, big airy vistas, and yes, the dreaded "smart growth" going on....well, you look at where we stand in the recovery and you tell me.

I've likened Jacksonville to a series of suburbs looking for a city.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 15:51:28
Ohh Tri! I am talking to a Revere Lunkhead!

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 15:59:23
Quote by Mondobubba:
Ohh Tri! I am talking to a Revere Lunkhead!

I believe our local terminology would be a "ding-dong". Saugonians are "twinkies".

Comment by BobR on 08/23/2012 16:02:42
Quote by Mondobubba:
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by Mondobubba:
Tampa! What a shithole!


You all spent $15bn on infrastructure here in my city, which had and still has a multitude of issues, but those cardinal improvements to the downtown core have been absolutely transformative.

Boston always was a walking city, but now with the greenway, big airy vistas, and yes, the dreaded "smart growth" going on....well, you look at where we stand in the recovery and you tell me.

This is what I just don't get about conservatives/Republicans. They are all about the adage it takes money to make money. When you make civic improvements (spending money to make the citiy livable for example) businessess come back to the city center, tax revenue is generated, rents and other income for businesses goes up and everybody wins. Sounds like a plan to me.

That's socialism! The proper approach is to cut corporate taxes and essentially give everything away to businesses so that they will create private-sector jobs, thus increasing the tax base.

Metaphor: Giving Big Business the goose, assuming they'll toss a golden egg your way.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 16:04:33
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by Mondobubba:
Ohh Tri! I am talking to a Revere Lunkhead!

I believe our local terminology would be a "ding-dong". Saugonians are "twinkies".

Thankee! my former boss when first moved to the Boston area to continue working for the company (based in Quincy) refered to certain subset of employee as Quincy Lunkheads. The typical Lunkhead has lived in Quincy all his or her life as had the entire clan. They rarely leave the Commonwealth and only other states in New England. It is a worldview thing.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 08/23/2012 16:06:04
Raine, thank you for a great and powerful blog. Thank you for sharing a painful part of your life and how you chose to respond to it.

All of us are in part the products of our experiences, good and bad. We can never change what has happened, but we can choose how to understand what happened and how to shape it as part of who we are and who we will become. I view my experiences, good and bad, as part of what has shaped me. None of us can truly say who we would be without our experiences.

Raine, people have empathy for you but you have chosen not to be a victim. Instead, you have become an advocate of the causes that you believe in. Rape is not about sex so much as dominating others, reducing others to objects. It is called a dehumanizing experience because rapists view those they attack as truly not equal to them as human beings. Any number of evils begin by defining the Other as less than one's own self. We need only consider the history of our own nation and of our species to come up with countless examples of this.

In the end, I think that the efforts to redefine rape will fail. I believe that despite the appeals to hate, our society is becoming more understanding and compassionate. We will have to take the stand to say no to those who would seek to return us to their vision of an ideal past that only exists in their minds. It is a vision of some dominating others, a vision that runs counter to the best traditions of the American spirit and of humanity itself. May the day come soon when all will be treated with dignity and respect. May we, like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., judge all on the quality of their character, the content of their ideas and their deeds. My prejudice of all sorts be disposed of on the dung heap of history.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 16:09:33
Quote by Will in Chicago:
Raine, thank you for a great and powerful blog. Thank you for sharing a painful part of your life and how you chose to respond to it.

All of us are in part the products of our experiences, good and bad. We can never change what has happened, but we can choose how to understand what happened and how to shape it as part of who we are and who we will become. I view my experiences, good and bad, as part of what has shaped me. None of us can truly say who we would be without our experiences.

Raine, people have empathy for you but you have chosen not to be a victim. Instead, you have become an advocate of the causes that you believe in. Rape is not about sex so much as dominating others, reducing others to objects. It is called a dehumanizing experience because rapists view those they attack as truly not equal to them as human beings. Any number of evils begin by defining the Other as less than one's own self. We need only consider the history of our own nation and of our species to come up with countless examples of this.

In the end, I think that the efforts to redefine rape will fail. I believe that despite the appeals to hate, our society is becoming more understanding and compassionate. We will have to take the stand to say no to those who would seek to return us to their vision of an ideal past that only exists in their minds. It is a vision of some dominating others, a vision that runs counter to the best traditions of the American spirit and of humanity itself. May the day come soon when all will be treated with dignity and respect. May we, like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., judge all on the quality of their character, the content of their ideas and their deeds. My prejudice of all sorts be disposed of on the dung heap of history.

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 16:16:17
Hi Choir.

Time to Preach.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — The middle class is struggling to survive and shrinking before our eyes, the Pew Research Center reported on Wednesday.

"America's middle class has endured its worst decade in modern history," the Pew Research Center said in its report. "It has shrunk in size, fallen backward in income and wealth, and shed some -- but by no means all -- of its characteristic faith in the future."

Of the 2,500 people Pew surveyed, 85 percent of those who identify themselves as middle class say it is more difficult now than it was a decade ago to maintain their standard of living. The report also found that the middle class is a much smaller part of the population than it used to be, while the poor and rich extremes of society are expanding.

The biggest issue facing the middle class is that their wealth is deteriorating, said economist Richard Fry, who co-authored the report. The housing crisis eroded much of the middle class' net worth, creating a "lost decade" in terms of economic well-being for this group.

"For middle-income households, a lot of wealth was in their home, so the housing bust really impacted their nest eggs," he said. "Middle-income families are the only ones whose nest eggs have plummeted."

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 16:19:55
Oh, and Did you all hear this one?

MANCHESTER, N.H. — After reflecting on comments he made Wednesday, Frank Szabo, a candidate for Hillsborough County, N.H. sheriff, said Thursday he regrets saying he would use deadly force to stop an abortion doctor.

Szabo apologized Thursday for, as he said "so carelessly losing track of what he was saying."

“I want to be clear to the people of New Hampshire that I made several comments about the use of deadly force against abortion doctors that I regret, that I apologize for and that I fully retract,” Szabo said.

“Clearly, I feel very strongly about life beginning at conception, and that will not change. But, in making comments yesterday, I let my passionate stance against abortion get the better of me."

Szabo, a Republican candidate for New Hampshire's Hillsborough County sheriff said Wednesday that he believes elective abortions are unlawful and he wouldn't reject the use of deadly force to stop them.

Frank Szabo said that as sheriff, he would arrest any doctor performing elective or late-term abortions in his jurisdiction.

"There is a difference between legal and lawful," Szabo said.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 08/23/2012 16:47:45
I have some good news. My recently retired rabbi put me in touch with a member of my temple who heard of a social studies teacher opening in Dallas. So, I called today, sent in my materials and could possibly have a Skype interview today. I guess if I have joked that I am willing to go to Mars for work, I am willing to go to Texas. So, we will see.

If I get the job, I will have to pack fast and go. I will let people here know what happens.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 16:57:16
Quote by TriSec:
Oh, and Did you all hear this one?

MANCHESTER, N.H. — After reflecting on comments he made Wednesday, Frank Szabo, a candidate for Hillsborough County, N.H. sheriff, said Thursday he regrets saying he would use deadly force to stop an abortion doctor.

Szabo apologized Thursday for, as he said "so carelessly losing track of what he was saying."

“I want to be clear to the people of New Hampshire that I made several comments about the use of deadly force against abortion doctors that I regret, that I apologize for and that I fully retract,” Szabo said.

“Clearly, I feel very strongly about life beginning at conception, and that will not change. But, in making comments yesterday, I let my passionate stance against abortion get the better of me."

Szabo, a Republican candidate for New Hampshire's Hillsborough County sheriff said Wednesday that he believes elective abortions are unlawful and he wouldn't reject the use of deadly force to stop them.

Frank Szabo said that as sheriff, he would arrest any doctor performing elective or late-term abortions in his jurisdiction.

"There is a difference between legal and lawful," Szabo said.

Yep saw that last night. Szabo is a straight up fascist.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 16:59:30
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by Mondobubba:
Ohh Tri! I am talking to a Revere Lunkhead!

I believe our local terminology would be a "ding-dong". Saugonians are "twinkies".

Are all the residents of these towns nicknamed for Hostess snack foods?

Comment by Scoopster on 08/23/2012 17:04:27
Quote by Will in Chicago:
I have some good news. My recently retired rabbi put me in touch with a member of my temple who heard of a social studies teacher opening in Dallas. So, I called today, sent in my materials and could possibly have a Skype interview today. I guess if I have joked that I am willing to go to Mars for work, I am willing to go to Texas. So, we will see.

If I get the job, I will have to pack fast and go. I will let people here know what happens.

Good luck! And don't look at Dallas as an obstacle - look at it as an opportunity to educate & flip some of those steerheads!

Comment by trojanrabbit on 08/23/2012 17:07:39
Comment by BobR on 08/23/2012 17:09:41
Quote by TriSec:
Oh, and Did you all hear this one?

MANCHESTER, N.H. — After reflecting on comments he made Wednesday, Frank Szabo, a candidate for Hillsborough County, N.H. sheriff, said Thursday he regrets saying he would use deadly force to stop an abortion doctor.

Szabo apologized Thursday for, as he said "so carelessly losing track of what he was saying."

“I want to be clear to the people of New Hampshire that I made several comments about the use of deadly force against abortion doctors that I regret, that I apologize for and that I fully retract,” Szabo said.

“Clearly, I feel very strongly about life beginning at conception, and that will not change. But, in making comments yesterday, I let my passionate stance against abortion get the better of me."

Szabo, a Republican candidate for New Hampshire's Hillsborough County sheriff said Wednesday that he believes elective abortions are unlawful and he wouldn't reject the use of deadly force to stop them.

Frank Szabo said that as sheriff, he would arrest any doctor performing elective or late-term abortions in his jurisdiction.

"There is a difference between legal and lawful," Szabo said.

There's a difference between legal and lawful? And that difference would be?...

Comment by livingonli on 08/23/2012 17:19:48
Good day, folks. It does seem like the media wants to keep the horse racing going for competitive purposes for ratings. It's hard to believe that there are that many stupid people who will vote for these nutjobs because they have no memory of the Bush years whose policies alone should have rejected the Republican brand. The only way to me Romney can win is if the attempts to suppress the vote are successful and Democratic turnout is reduced and then using the vote flipping software to take care of the rest.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 08/23/2012 17:20:47
Here is an article from leadership expert Kathleen Shafer, who was interviewed earlier today by Nicole Sandler. While the interview is a few months old, it shows one of Romney's key problems -- his inauthentic nature.

Why Romney’s Inauthenticity Will Doom Him to Defeat in November

Fresh off of his Super Tuesday “victories,” Mitt Romney was so desperately pleading his case that he was the inevitable winner of the Republican Presidential Primary, yet the results in Mississippi and Alabama reveal that the electorate is not ready to bestow that title upon him. While his wealth and political machinery may provide him the razor sharp edge he needs to pull it off, one thing has become painfully clear during these primaries—no one is enthused about him as a leader and even those who are voting for him are doing while holding their nose.

Even while outspending his opponents nearly 5 to 1 in Alabama and 2 to 1 in Mississippi why is a man who is physically attractive, established, successful, well educated and has a perfect pedigree for presidential politics so disdained by the public? Some pundits point to his flip-flop on key policies (or any policy for that matter), his never-ending string of public gaffes and his stiffness on the stump as the main culprits for his chilly reception. While these are legitimate observations they are the symptoms and not the cause.

The root of the issue for Romney, as it has been for all losing presidential candidates, is the failure to be oneself, which it is the quickest path to electoral defeat.

Predicting electoral success is often seen a cross between deep dives into political data on economic trends, public mood and approval ratings. As one who has studied and taught political leadership for more than 20 years, there is a much easier way to predict success—which candidate is being real? Who can go out day after day and be true to themselves (or at least more so than their opponent) in front of a variety of different audiences in a vast array of situations?

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 17:28:18

Man up, Sen. Centerfold.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 08/23/2012 17:33:47
Quote by Mondobubba:

Man up, Sen. Centerfold.

Perhaps Senator Centerfold is closer to Senator Eunuch Warrior?

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 17:45:57
Quote by Will in Chicago:
Quote by Mondobubba:

Man up, Sen. Centerfold.

Perhaps Senator Centerfold is closer to Senator Eunuch Warrior?

Or Sen. No Sack.

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 17:54:36
I have just realized that I can't have Beaujolais-Nouveau this year.

I will now crawl over to this corner of the blog and die. Please arrange for the expeditious disposal of my carcass.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 17:58:56
Quote by TriSec:
I have just realized that I can't have Beaujolais-Nouveau this year.

I will now crawl over to this corner of the blog and die. Please arrange for the expeditious disposal of my carcass.

:note to self, go through Tri's pockets for loose change, dump body in Mystic:

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 18:28:06
Quote by TriSec:
I have just realized that I can't have Beaujolais-Nouveau this year.

I will now crawl over to this corner of the blog and die. Please arrange for the expeditious disposal of my carcass.

will you be able to have it when your treatment is done?

Comment by TriSec on 08/23/2012 18:49:13
Quote by wickedpam:

will you be able to have it when your treatment is done?

Yes, this is only because of the chemo.

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 19:02:15
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by wickedpam:

will you be able to have it when your treatment is done?

Yes, this is only because of the chemo.

Maybe stock a bottle away in celebration

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 19:08:00
I hear Thom on the phone!!!

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 19:14:54
I weep on a daily basis for this country's basic level of computer illiteracy. How do I..

1. Work the Google.
2, Send email
3. Access my website.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 08/23/2012 19:19:34
It is good to hear that Thom will be done with this health care headache tomorrow.

As for myself, no word from Dallas yet. It may be that they will call or perhaps have decided to just focus on local candidates. Still, I decided to take a chance and contact them. No guts, no glory. Hmm, maybe that should have been the title for the article on being authentic that I posted earlier?

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 19:25:07
Quote by Raine:
I hear Thom on the phone!!!


Comment by Scoopster on 08/23/2012 19:26:50
Comment by livingonli on 08/23/2012 19:28:24
Thom will still go to the RT studio to do his RT show since he came back to that on Tuesday night.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 19:39:03
By the way... I called my mom and told her that I wrote this post.

She cried, she wishes that she could have been there to help me. I asked her if there was anything she never told her mother,and I think she understood.

She said she wishes that she could have helped me, and I told her that she did. I told her that I listened to her about taking care of myself. I told her I went to planned parenthood, and I listened to the help they gave me. I told her that I listened to the advice she gave me growing up and that even tho I didn't tell her what was happening at the time, what she taught me was why I sought out help.

That was a tough phone call, but a really good one. I never really wanted to have this talk with my mom.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 19:40:01
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by wickedpam:

will you be able to have it when your treatment is done?

Yes, this is only because of the chemo.

Maybe stock a bottle away in celebration
I like that way Mala Thinks...

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 19:51:53
Quote by Raine:
By the way... I called my mom and told her that I wrote this post.

She cried, she wishes that she could have been there to help me. I asked her if there was anything she never told her mother,and I think she understood.

She said she wishes that she could have helped me, and I told her that she did. I told her that I listened to her about taking care of myself. I told her I went to planned parenthood, and I listened to the help they gave me. I told her that I listened to the advice she gave me growing up and that even tho I didn't tell her what was happening at the time, what she taught me was why I sought out help.

That was a tough phone call, but a really good one. I never really wanted to have this talk with my mom.

Comment by livingonli on 08/23/2012 19:53:53
Quote by Raine:
By the way... I called my mom and told her that I wrote this post.

She cried, she wishes that she could have been there to help me. I asked her if there was anything she never told her mother,and I think she understood.

She said she wishes that she could have helped me, and I told her that she did. I told her that I listened to her about taking care of myself. I told her I went to planned parenthood, and I listened to the help they gave me. I told her that I listened to the advice she gave me growing up and that even tho I didn't tell her what was happening at the time, what she taught me was why I sought out help.

That was a tough phone call, but a really good one. I never really wanted to have this talk with my mom.

Comment by BobR on 08/23/2012 20:02:57
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by wickedpam:

will you be able to have it when your treatment is done?

Yes, this is only because of the chemo.

Maybe stock a bottle away in celebration

I thought the whole idea behind Beaujolais-Nouveau was that it needs to be drunk fresh...

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 20:07:31
Quote by BobR:
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by TriSec:
Quote by wickedpam:

will you be able to have it when your treatment is done?

Yes, this is only because of the chemo.

Maybe stock a bottle away in celebration

I thought the whole idea behind Beaujolais-Nouveau was that it needs to be drunk fresh...


Comment by Will in Chicago on 08/23/2012 20:11:07
It was a tough call, Raine. Yet I think your Mom was pleased to know that her advice helped you at a difficult time. I know that she did a great job as a parent and you confirmed it.

Comment by Kimberly on 08/23/2012 20:12:33
Raine, I'm hugging you with love in my heart. How brave of you to share your story with us. Many women hold these terrible acts against our bodies forever and it is time to release them and let go of the heavy burden it puts upon us. Thank you Raine for being the beautiful woman you are and not allowing this criminal to steal your joy. Nothing about this was your fault, he was the one that violated the trust you had in him due to his position and social status. I'm so proud of you and thankful for the strength you have within you to push FORWARD. We will not allow them to circumvent history. RAPE IS RAPE.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 20:21:02
Quote by Kimberly:
Raine, I'm hugging you with love in my heart. How brave of you to share your story with us. Many women hold these terrible acts against our bodies forever and it is time to release them and let go of the heavy burden it puts upon us. Thank you Raine for being the beautiful woman you are and not allowing this criminal to steal your joy. Nothing about this was your fault, he was the one that violated the trust you had in him due to his position and social status. I'm so proud of you and thankful for the strength you have within you to push FORWARD. We will not allow them to circumvent history. RAPE IS RAPE.

Thank you, Kimberly. I am only beautiful because of the women who went before me and along side me.

Comment by Mondobubba on 08/23/2012 21:16:04

Yeah, it has been that klind of day.

Comment by Raine on 08/23/2012 21:49:24
Operation BrewBama has reached the White House. From today's press briefing with Jay Carney:

"Q And finally, I know that this is -- I think you were asked about this earlier in the week, but there's been a push from the online Homebrewers Association for the White House to release its beer recipes. I believe there are three, at least, White House beers brewed here. Does the White House have any plans to release its beer recipes? (Laughter.)

MR. CARNEY: Not that I'm aware of. It's true that -- (laughter) -- it's true I don't always bring water out here. (Laughter.)

Q The paper cup.

MR. CARNEY: Yes. Not that I'm aware. I think the President and First Lady were asked about this a little bit in an interview last week, which I believe is published or broadcast, about how the White House beer came about. But I don't -- I'm not aware of any plans at this time to --

Q What about transparency? (Laughter.)

MR. CARNEY: -- divulge the secret recipes.

Q I believe there have been Freedom of Information Act filed on this issue. (Laughter.)

MR. CARNEY: I'll have to take the question -- examine it, taste it. (Laughter.)"
WE are that Homebrewer association!!!

Comment by wickedpam on 08/23/2012 23:47:17
computer question - I've done something to my laptop where it looks like my pages are super bright to the point to washing out pix and graphics - any ideas how I fix this? Have a gateway NV79 and using Chrome

Comment by wickedpam on 08/24/2012 00:06:01
nevermind I think I figured out what i did

Comment by BobR on 08/24/2012 00:55:13
Quote by Mondobubba:

Yeah, it has been that klind of day.

I take your Pinhead and raise you one Cretin Hop