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Ask A Vet!
Author: TriSec    Date: 10/02/2007 10:24:47

Good Morning. Ask A Vet returns!

We'll start this morning as we always do, with the latest casualty figures from the warron terra, courtesy of Antiwar.com:

American Deaths in Iraq
Since war began (3/19/03): 3807
Since "Mission Accomplished" (5/1/03): 3668
Since Capture of Saddam (12/13/03): 3346
Since Handover (6/29/04): 2948
Since Election (1/31/05): 2370

Other Coalition Troops: 300
US Military Deaths - Afghanistan: 447

This morning, we find the Cost of war standing at:

$456, 452, 150, 000. 00

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87 comments (Latest Comment: 10/03/2007 02:57:02 by livingonli)

October Surprise
Author: Raine    Date: 10/01/2007 10:55:05

Yes, This is the bright and shiny new 4F Blog. Welcome! Take a look around, make yourself at home... I had a few fainting couches in the storage room, that I brought over, but we bought a new coffee maker, espresso machine and we've got donuts that still have trans fats in them...
Yes, there is an open bar for those that need it. (Raintini's are the specialty... I know, shocking! ) Everything is on the house... (we qualified for a NGO grant! :rofl:)

We have a few nice things here that you don't see on a lot of blogs, including the capability to post pictures and youtuberey in your comments... tres chic I think!

Anyway, this is our first weekday blog here, and instead of delving into all the things that may get our blood boiling, I thought we should return to a speech from one of my favorite presidents. It's From FDR's annual address to congress on January 6, 1941. not quite 67 years ago... pretty darn close to 2/3 of a century...
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77 comments (Latest Comment: 10/02/2007 01:59:56 by livingonli)

FourFreedoms Blog Open for Business
Author: TriSec    Date: 09/29/2007 13:13:16

Good Morning!

We're a wee bit sluggish here in the TriSec compound....last night was our first Pack meeting of the season, and your loyal TriSec is the Cubmaster this year. Javi has finally joined as an "official" cub scout, and I even got Mrs. TriSec to step up to the plate as a Tiger Coach.

If you're in the Boston area over the next ten days, take a drive up route 1 and check out the Topsfield Fair! It's the oldest agricultural fair in America, and has been going on since 1818. We try to go every year...it is a great day of animals, midway rides, games, and of course, healthy carnival food!!

Speaking of Boston...did you hear that the sox clinched the east for the first time since 1995? They remain tied with those Indians for best record in baseball with two to play...so there is still something to root for this last weekend. And have you been watching the National League? The Cubs and Diamondbacks got in last night....but there is still plenty of action left for the Phils, Mets, and San Diego yet.

So, on to the meat of the day. There is an interesting story from Strike The Root this morning about the
"clearance rates" for serious crimes. 50 years ago, nearly 90% of all murders were solved. Today, that figure is only about 60%. So that means that 40% of killers today literally get away with murder.
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6 comments (Latest Comment: 10/01/2007 02:10:31 by Mondobubba)

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