The Democratic debate last night was significant and trivial, inspiring and infuriating, focused and chaotic. In short - it was a microcosm of our political system.
Personally, I found the constant focus on Hillary distracting and aggravating. At least half the debate was Hillary being attacked or Hillary defending herself. While it's true that the media and the Republicans have already dubbed her the winner, the intense focus on her set up an atmosphere of "trash Hillary" (which was pointed out by Bill Richardson). She's certainly my least-favorite candidate, but I thought the moderators and some of the other candidates could've done better to spread the time and topics around.
In fact, one of the most aggravating things about the debate was how little time was afforded the non-front-runner candidates. Clinton, Obama, and Edwards got most of the screen time, with Dodd, Biden, Richardson and Kuncinich getting what little scraps got tossed their way. This was a shame because Dodd had some VERY good answers and came off as someone who could inspire confidence among the electorate. Richardson made some good points as well.
Kucinich was a bit disappointing. Every answer seemed to include the phrase "I'm the only candidate on this stage who...". Yeah Dennis, we get it. You don't need to remind us with every single frikkin' answer.
Of course - it didn't help when Dennis gets asked about UFOs. I mean - come on.. - isn't that a bit insulting to have to answer a question like that when you're running for president? It seemed an obvious attempt by the media (yes - MSNBC is still the media) to paint him as the "wacko left". What a shame....
I found Edwards to once again be inspiring, focusing on the American people rather than politics (most of the time anyway). He made some good points about how Americans are always willing to help and sacrifice (such as during the Katrina disaster), and reminding everyone that the government belongs to the people. He also came off as humble and real. Good stuff...
One of the better aspects of the debate was the "lightening rounds". Candidates had 30 seconds to answer a question. It's always interesting to see who can answer a simple question and who tries to shove a 60 second canned response into the time alotted. Conclusion? All of them did at least one well, but most of them blew their time badly on the others.
In the end, I think Hillary got eviscerated, Obama came off as stumbly, Dodd showed himself to be leadership material, Edwards reinforced himself as the "people's honest candidate", and the rest broke even.
Happy Halloween!! (Hmm, I wonder if Cheney will be popping out of the coffin early today?)
Comment bywickedpam on 10/31/2007 12:52:19
Okay, listening to Bill Press (shesh! the things I do to make sure I hear Steph) but he's asking people if they've seen a UFO in honor of the question to Kunich last night.
I would like to go on record to say that I have seen a UFO so I'm in the same nutty category with him and Pres Carter.
Comment byWill in Chicago on 10/31/2007 13:03:14
Quote by wickedpam:
Okay, listening to Bill Press (shesh! the things I do to make sure I hear Steph) but he's asking people if they've seen a UFO in honor of the question to Kunich last night.
I would like to go on record to say that I have seen a UFO so I'm in the same nutty category with him and Pres Carter.
I have not seen a UFO. However, Kucinich claims he saws something which he could not identify. So did Jimmy Carter.
How about questions that really matter for the candidates? Perhaps Kucinich should have asked Russert why he asked the question.
Comment bywickedpam on 10/31/2007 13:06:10
Quote by will in chicago:
Quote by wickedpam:
Okay, listening to Bill Press (shesh! the things I do to make sure I hear Steph) but he's asking people if they've seen a UFO in honor of the question to Kunich last night.
I would like to go on record to say that I have seen a UFO so I'm in the same nutty category with him and Pres Carter.
I have not seen a UFO. However, Kucinich claims he saws something which he could not identify. So did Jimmy Carter.
How about questions that really matter for the candidates? Perhaps Kucinich should have asked Russert why he asked the question.
Bold mine
That he should have. In the presidental debate it would seem that question was made to make him look
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:18:42
good morning!
Comment bywickedpam on 10/31/2007 13:21:07
Hey Raine!
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:25:06
Oh dear... I stayed up too late last nite.
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:26:28
must.... get.... coffee....
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:32:06
Comment bylivingonli on 10/31/2007 13:32:58
Good morning.
Raine, pass that coffee pot over please. I only got about 2 hours sleep last night. I think i'm catching Momma's insomnia.
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:35:15
you know, the thing is, about the UFO... I myself have seen one... but it really is bad form to ask that at a presidential debate. I was really pissed at that question. I was even more irritated with Tweety afterward laughing fully outright at dennis afterward.
Comment byBobR on 10/31/2007 13:36:18
morning, folks... :coffee:
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:36:40
Quote by livingonli:
Good morning.
Raine, pass that coffee pot over please. I only got about 2 hours sleep last night. I think i'm catching Momma's insomnia.
:coffee: Here you go Liv... OOFda... 2 hours? that isn't good at all.
Comment byBobR on 10/31/2007 13:37:15
Quote by will in chicago:
Good morning, bloggers!!
Happy Halloween!! (Hmm, I wonder if Cheney will be popping out of the coffin early today?)
no no!
Romney is Dracula... Cheney is Darth Vader...
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:38:52
Wow. what the hell was that about?
Comment byBobR on 10/31/2007 13:39:03
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by will in chicago:
Quote by wickedpam:
Okay, listening to Bill Press (shesh! the things I do to make sure I hear Steph) but he's asking people if they've seen a UFO in honor of the question to Kunich last night.
I would like to go on record to say that I have seen a UFO so I'm in the same nutty category with him and Pres Carter.
I have not seen a UFO. However, Kucinich claims he saws something which he could not identify. So did Jimmy Carter.
How about questions that really matter for the candidates? Perhaps Kucinich should have asked Russert why he asked the question.
Bold mine
That he should have. In the presidental debate it would seem that question was made to make him look
I made the comment last night on the blog - UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. It does NOT mean "Flying saucer full of little green men"... :rolleyes2:
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:39:50
a stream of Vomiciousness actually.
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:40:38
OH ! NAncy pelsoi was beautiful yesterday when I saw her on Countdown!! :rofl:
Comment bylivingonli on 10/31/2007 13:40:54
Quote by Raine:
Quote by livingonli:
Good morning.
Raine, pass that coffee pot over please. I only got about 2 hours sleep last night. I think i'm catching Momma's insomnia.
:coffee: Here you go Liv... OOFda... 2 hours? that isn't good at all.
And I hardly slept at all the night before and I'm supposed to do overtime today and be in at Noon.
Comment bywickedpam on 10/31/2007 13:42:51
And with Christmas coming!
Comment bylivingonli on 10/31/2007 13:45:00
mAnn Coulter can dress as a skank for halloween. Oh, wait, mAnn is already a skank.
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:47:31
Is it Dick or Lon?!?!?
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:47:52
:prince: The monster mash! :prince:
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:49:07
Quote by livingonli:
And I hardly slept at all the night before and I'm supposed to do overtime today and be in at Noon.
Man that sucks.
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:49:31
But who has a brand new key?
Comment bylivingonli on 10/31/2007 13:50:43
Quote by Raine:
But who has a brand new key?
Now that's the question that needs to be answered.
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:51:31
Can anyone get on the MEssage board?
Comment byTriSec on 10/31/2007 13:54:13
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:54:57
My favourite part of the debate last night I think was when Chris Dodd said he was for legalizing :bong:
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:55:49
Hmmm.. I am not able to get on a few sites this morning... I hate when this happens.
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:57:33
"You cannot be a president of the United States who's wanton in his expression of violence," Kucinich said. "There's a lot of people who need care. He might be one of them. If there isn't something wrong with him, then there's something wrong with us. This, to me, is a very serious question."
Go on dennis!
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 13:59:46
WHAT? IS anyone listening to the Nova stream? Is that becuase of daylight saving this weekend?
Comment bylivingonli on 10/31/2007 13:59:56
Quote by Raine:
Hmmm.. I am not able to get on a few sites this morning... I hate when this happens.
The internets are broken.
Comment bywickedpam on 10/31/2007 14:00:01
Quote by Raine:
Hmmm.. I am not able to get on a few sites this morning... I hate when this happens.
It was okay at about 8:30ish - now I get an error message
Comment bywickedpam on 10/31/2007 14:01:26
Quote by Raine:
WHAT? IS anyone listening to the Nova stream? Is that becuase of daylight saving this weekend?
I've got Phoneix going not sure what you're hearing though.
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 14:03:46
ok... The server that the board is on is down. DArn it all. I hate when that happens. :(
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 14:05:48
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine:
WHAT? IS anyone listening to the Nova stream? Is that becuase of daylight saving this weekend?
I've got Phoneix going not sure what you're hearing though.
They said they were moving all the times up an hour starting next week.
Comment byRaine on 10/31/2007 14:07:36
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine:
Hmmm.. I am not able to get on a few sites this morning... I hate when this happens.
It was okay at about 8:30ish - now I get an error message
I can't even access the tech support site to see what is going on.
Comment bylivingonli on 10/31/2007 14:09:12
Quote by Raine:
Quote by wickedpam:
Quote by Raine:
WHAT? IS anyone listening to the Nova stream? Is that becuase of daylight saving this weekend?
I've got Phoneix going not sure what you're hearing though.
They said they were moving all the times up an hour starting next week.
Since Arizona doesn't observe Daylight Savings Time, they have to adjust their hours to the fact that everyone else has changed. They don't fall back when everyone else does. Thus, Momma moves from 6 to 7 AM and Mike Malloy moves from 6 to 7 PM.