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Kristallnacht at 85
Author: Raine    Date: 11/09/2023 13:56:49

"Charlotte Knobloch was 6 years old when she saw the synagogues of Munich burning and watched helplessly as two Nazi officers marched away a beloved friend of her father who was beaten up and bleeding on the forehead.

It was Nov. 9, 1938, or Kristallnacht — the “Night of Broken Glass” — when Nazis terrorized Jews throughout Germany and Austria.

This Thursday, on the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, Knobloch still remembers that night with horror and says it will be burned into her memory forever."
Complete AP article link here

American Press Reports on Kristallnacht

American newspapers across the country covered the Nazi assault on Jews in front-page, banner headlines, and articles about the events continued to appear for several weeks. No other story about the persecution of the Jews received such widespread and sustained attention from the American press at any other time during the Nazi era.

German censors sought to block images of Kristallnacht from reaching newspapers in the United States. However, Life magazine was able to publish some images in its November 28, 1938, issue.

Perhaps no headline so aptly summarized the danger for the Jews under the Nazi regime than that published on the front page of the Los Angeles Examiner on November 23, 1938: “Nazis Warn World Jews Will Be Wiped Out Unless Evacuated By Democracies.”

We must never let a person promising retribution on his received enemies get near the White House again. He's a danger to the world.

That is all.
:peace: &

5 comments (Latest Comment: 11/09/2023 16:10:26 by Will_in_Ca)
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Comment by Raine on 11/09/2023 15:18:12
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House Oversight Committee chair James Comer (R-KY) on Wednesday subpoenaed President Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, who Comer has implicated in unsubstantiated allegations of “shady business practices” in the Biden family.

Comer has in particular been trying to make hay out of two personal loan repayments from James Biden to his brother, for $40,000 and $200,000—with all transactions occurring in 2017 and 2018, when Joe Biden was neither in office nor a candidate.

But if Comer genuinely believes these transactions clear the “shady business practices” bar, he might want to consider a parallel inquiry into his own family.

According to Kentucky property records, Comer and his own brother have engaged in land swaps related to their family farming business. In one deal—also involving $200,000, as well as a shell company—the more powerful and influential Comer channeled extra money to his brother, seemingly from nothing. Other recent land swaps were quickly followed with new applications for special tax breaks, state records show. All of this, perplexingly, related to the dealings of a family company that appears to have never existed on paper.

Comment by Will_in_Ca on 11/09/2023 15:55:24
Hello, bloggers!!!!

Kristallnacht shows why those who hate others and call for violence should never be near the reigns of power. A retired physician in my former Northwest Indiana synagogue fled Germany as a child in the wake of Kristallnacht.

I have to ask if we, as a world, have progressed in the last 85 years. Sometimes, I have my doubts.

Comment by Raine on 11/09/2023 16:01:29

Comment by Raine on 11/09/2023 16:02:02
Quote by Will_in_Ca:
Hello, bloggers!!!!

Kristallnacht shows why those who hate others and call for violence should never be near the reigns of power. A retired physician in my former Northwest Indiana synagogue fled Germany as a child in the wake of Kristallnacht.

I have to ask if we, as a world, have progressed in the last 85 years. Sometimes, I have my doubts.
I'm as well.

Comment by Will_in_Ca on 11/09/2023 16:10:26
Quote by Raine:

I am not holding out much hope. Mike Johnson is all about appeasing the base, who would put up with a recession if they think it would help TFG.