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Quit While We're Ahead
Author: starling310    Date: 11/19/2007 13:18:17

That’s correct, I said quit. I also said we’re ahead. Furthermore, I qualified my declaration that we are ahead with “ever so slightly.” While even 1 life being lost, to the Bush Crime Family’s successful divide, conquer and steal foreign policy, makes my stomach turn, the numbers seem to show signs of improvement; ever so slightly. There appears to be a decline in the number of brave men and woman that will never return home. There also seems to be an increase in the number of Iraqi civilians that will live to see another day in their homes; what is left of them. According to icasualties, American casualties in September and October were 65 and 38, respectively; down dramatically from the same time period in 2006. While this remains unacceptable, it does seem to present a more favorable environment for the United States to “quit while we’re ahead.” Why stick around and flip the bird to Lady Fate? Any reformed gambler would tell us that now is the time to cash in any winnings, if any, and quickly run to the nearest exit.

Where is the nearest exit and how do we get there? I could not begin to tell you. : larry craig : Let me be clear. I am not a military expert. I have never been a military expert. But I have a gut feeling that the current bill proposed by Congress, that will assuredly be vetoed by the Boy Wonder, won’t cut it! The bill :

Requires a transition in the mission of US forces in Iraq from primarily combat to: force protection and diplomatic protection; limited support to Iraqi security forces; and targeted counter-terrorism operations...

Prohibits deployment of any troops not fully equipped and trained; waivable with a presidential national security certification...

That's a handy loophole -- one big enough to drive a decades-long occupation through, even if it is "only" an occupation confined to those "enduring bases" we're spending so much money on. In this manner, Iraq will remain our staging platform for our neverending efforts to control the future of the Middle East, just as we have attempted to do ever since World War I. Continued. . .

A transition in the mission? “Mission Accomplished” was declared on May 1, 2003. Have we forgotten the flight suit and the cod piece? Our military did their job! Not to sound like a broken record, but there is no longer a military solution in Iraq. In fact, there has not been a military solution in, based on my non-expert calculations, about 4 and ½ years. The solution must be a democratic one, and cannot be brokered by the United States. Whether we like it or not, we are the enemy in Iraq.

But for the first time since the invasion in March 2003, there is a real opportunity for the two main blocs of Iraqi Arabs, the Sunni and Shia communities, to strike a deal. If such a deal were indeed struck, the Kurds would have little choice but to buy into it. Problem is, the United States cannot broker the deal. Having spent five years boosting sectarianism in Iraq, killing innocent Iraqis, busting down doors in small villages, and trying to turn Iraq into an American colony, the United States simply has no credibility left.

Any deal we broker, any leader we promote, any government we sponsor has just gotten the kiss of death. What unites Iraqi Arabs, from the Sunni resistance to the Mahdi Army, is opposition to the U.S. occupation of Iraq, as well as opposition to Al Qaeda and to Iran's heavy-handed interference in Iraqi affairs. Continued. . .

We all know that the Bush Crime Family doesn’t want to leave until they have their Oil Revenue Sharing deal. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi must disregard the Boy Wonder’s petulant demands, ignore his temper tantrums and propose a bill that does not “transition” our troops, but brings them home. Period.

On a slightly different note, if you haven’t had an opportunity to read “Screwed” by Thom Hartmann, or “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein, go immediately and add them to your Holiday Reading List. . . . I’ll wait. . . . .

Oh Good...You're back.

Finally, ‘tis the season to volunteer at your local Food Shelter or donate coats and sweaters that haven’t see the light of day in years.

Now, get in there and start blogging campers! They want to know where the protest and activism is. It’s right here, baby!
The donuts are fresh and the coffee is hot.

I am filling in for Raine today so it seems only right that I leave you with


223 comments (Latest Comment: 11/20/2007 04:57:14 by Raine)
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Comment by TriSec on 11/19/2007 13:51:15

Well, I went and opened the 'parachute blog' at the same exact moment as this one was posted. Pay it no mind....we're blogging here!

Aside to star: We have an unofficial weekday "hard deck" of 8:30. Usually I'll post a stub if the regular blog hasn't been opened. But pay it no mind; no harm, no foul.

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 13:58:54

So sorry....was not aware of the "hard decky thingy." I tried to have it posted by 8:15, but is a slow typer.


Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 14:02:29

Comment by BobR on 11/19/2007 14:05:42
Morning, folks... :coffee:

Tri: I deleted the extra blog post...

Comment by TriSec on 11/19/2007 14:13:13
Ah, thank you kind sir. I didn't see that I had that power.

Comment by BobR on 11/19/2007 14:13:41

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 14:13:41
Good morning all.

:star: Nice blog entry there.

Comment by TriSec on 11/19/2007 14:13:51
Excuse me?

We're the blog!

: stamps foot :

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 14:16:41
Someone needs to call in and represent.

I'll defer to the staff on this one.

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 14:19:28
I have always thought Laura Ingraham was a very closeted Lesbian.


Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 14:20:42
Anyone have any thougts on refurbished cell phones?

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 14:24:31
If the rumors about Laura and mAnn Coulter as well are true, aren't they the last people who should be giving advice on sexual abstinence?

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 14:25:41
BobR, how was the weekend in Florida?

Comment by Will in Chicago on 11/19/2007 14:29:13
Good morning, bloggers!!

I hope that everyone is doing well.

While I am home today working on the Daily Headlines at UNN, I will be checking in.

It looks like the number of deaths in Iraq is down. However, this may be in part due to the success of different factions in ethnically cleansing neighborhoods and towns.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 11/19/2007 14:30:33
As a Jew, who supports peace between Israel, the Palestinians, and their neighbors, I am glad that Sean Hannity is not the prime minister of Israel. However, maybe a job can be found for him that is worthy of his talents. They could use a few more garbage collectors in Haifa.

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 14:32:41
Good morning!!! !!!!

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 14:35:58
Quote by will in chicago: As a Jew, who supports peace between Israel, the Palestinians, and their neighbors, I am glad that Sean Hannity is not the prime minister of Israel. However, maybe a job can be found for him that is worthy of his talents. They could use a few more garbage collectors in Haifa.

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 14:36:53
How does Fox News manage to be that free of facts?

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 14:37:10
It would have ordered troop "transitions!" Troop transitions!

They need to stop giving him ANY MORE MONEY!!!!

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 14:38:05
Quote by livingonli: How does Fox News manage to be that free of facts?

They are the "broken cookie" network. You know? When you break a cookie *poof* all of the fat and calories just fall out.

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 14:40:29
So how messed up is it when your lifelong republidad actually finda himself agreeing with you on more that 50% of the conversations you have in a weekend??? I don't think I am getting more conservative, nor do I think he is getting more liberal... whet I think is that these neo-cons REALLY have a found a way to unite the country...

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 14:44:04
Quote by Raine: So how messed up is it when your lifelong republidad actually finda himself agreeing with you on more that 50% of the conversations you have in a weekend??? I don't think I am getting more conservative, nor do I think he is getting more liberal... whet I think is that these neo-cons REALLY have a found a way to unite the country...


I think people are looking around and thinking "wait a minute! These guys were supposed to look out for me and gee" "I seem to be worse off than I used to be."

It's like uniting against the schoolyard bully.

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 14:46:48
Quote by starling310:
Quote by Raine: So how messed up is it when your lifelong republidad actually finda himself agreeing with you on more that 50% of the conversations you have in a weekend??? I don't think I am getting more conservative, nor do I think he is getting more liberal... whet I think is that these neo-cons REALLY have a found a way to unite the country...


I think people are looking around and thinking "wait a minute! These guys were supposed to look out for me and gee" "I seem to be worse off than I used to be."

It's like uniting against the schoolyard bully.

Anyone who still has a brain in their head, no matter what their political stripe agrees that this "president" may be the worst thing this country ever had. And all the middle-class conservatives must be noticing how everyone is saying the economy is so good but they are more in debt and are losing ground financially? Maybe many are now aware that the current Republicans only care about the top 1%.

Comment by Will in Chicago on 11/19/2007 14:47:14
George W. Bush is indeed a uniter. He first united most of the world against his policies, and is now doing so at home. (Somewhere, Richard Nixon may be gloating that he is going to look better in comparison with Bush.)

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 14:48:05
:prince: Pour some sugar on me!

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 14:49:18
Raine, did you and BobR have a good weekend in Florida?

Comment by Will in Chicago on 11/19/2007 14:50:13
Is it me, or has George W. Bush moved the goal posts on Iraq so far that he will need NASA to help him move it any further? (Of course, knowing Bush, he may try to resurrect Jackie Gleason in the thought that if he could threaten to send Alice to the Moon, he can at least send the goal posts into Earth orbit.)

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 14:51:20
I may have some scandelous Dirt on Rudy btw... a result of conversations with my dad and uncle who were union guys in the late 70's in NYC and the metropolitan area... so far, all the little hints that they dropped have panned out to be true.

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 14:52:45
Quote by will in chicago: Is it me, or has George W. Bush moved the goal posts on Iraq so far that he will need NASA to help him move it any further? (Of course, knowing Bush, he may try to resurrect Jackie Gleason in the thought that if he could threaten to send Alice to the Moon, he can at least send the goal posts into Earth orbit.)
That should be funny, but I could see him doing that!

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 14:53:38
speaking of Florida... I have an amazing picture coming up from this weekend... stunning! Shocking! jaw dropping!

Comment by Will in Chicago on 11/19/2007 14:54:56
A hairy mystery creature in Florida? Okay, has anyone reported Rush Limbaugh missing?

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 14:55:05
Quote by Raine: I may have some scandelous Dirt on Rudy btw... a result of conversations with my dad and uncle who were union guys in the late 70's in NYC and the metropolitan area... so far, all the little hints that they dropped have panned out to be true.

Oh, I can't wait until this lawsuit goes to trial. Anything that shoots down his candidacy is fine by me. I am worried that if he gets the nomination that enough idiots (with a little help from vote rigging) will put him in the White House.

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 14:55:33
Our weekend was wonderful btw. we had a great time visiting our friends... and then we spent the rest of the time having cocktails and eating food and laughing and telling dirty joes at republidad's place. good times... good times...

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 14:58:54
Ugh...I would NOT want to be a boy. So much pressure to be "macho."

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 14:59:03
Miss Arizona does the Star Wars Trumpet solo.

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 15:02:47
So, I am thinking once the writer's strike is over, Bill Maher will no longer be a FREE podcast.

It always seemed too good to be true.

Comment by wickedpam on 11/19/2007 15:03:33
MOrning! :hug:

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 15:07:04
Hola Mala.

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 15:09:05
My ears are bleeding!

Comment by wickedpam on 11/19/2007 15:09:13
Hey Star and all!

At one time in my life I could play the Star Wars theme on my flute.

Comment by livingonli on 11/19/2007 15:09:20
Good morning Mala. How was your weekend?

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 15:10:46
I resent the fact that Momma and the Mooks have ruined quite a few songs for me.

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 15:13:03
Rest assured Connelly. There are lots of misfit "soccer moms" out there. I am friends with several of them!

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 15:14:15
Go ahead and yump!


Comment by wickedpam on 11/19/2007 15:15:12
Not bad. Put up the outside Christmas decorations so all I have to do next weekend is light it up and decorate inside.

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 15:16:25
Hold me closer tiny roooobot...

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 15:18:04
MY computer is soooo... sloooow this morning......

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 15:20:54
So, you have five minutes to guess what this is:
I guess per person.

Comment by starling310 on 11/19/2007 15:21:15
A lemon?

Comment by Raine on 11/19/2007 15:22:56
Quote by livingonli: Miss Arizona does the Star Wars Trumpet solo.