Produce the produce Author: TriSecDate:03/21/2025 23:08:26
Good Morning.
I'm off to delightful Cape Cod this morning.
It's a curious thing. I'm part of a Scout training that you all know about, called "Woodbadge". I'm not in the kitchen this time around, but part of the actual course this time.
Something called "Assistant Scoutmaster of Program", which is about third in line in the command structure.
Except that has changed in the last 24 hours. Our course director withdrew for personal reasons, and we all moved up a step in rank.
I'm now the emergency alternate Course Director, second in command.
Donde los Yikes!
But that's not actually what I wanted to note today.
Look, we all know how much eggs cost these days. I've joked recently that the folds in a chef's hat now denote the 99 ways you can FINANCE a doozen eggs, but I digress.
Have you been shopping recently? Never mind the prices, take a look at the quality.
Our produce, at least in New England, actually sucks. Much of it is grown in Florida or California at this time of year. It's hand-picked by immigrants, and then trucked across the country to our markets.
But that's not the actual produce that's in poor shape. I know they date back to last October (Cold Storage, dontcha know?) but have you had an apple recently?
My god, are they absolutely horrific!
In any case - I'd expect that as the last of the Pre-Trump produce makes its way through the market, the overall quality will start to drop off dramatically. Immigrants won't be coming to pick them, if the current maladministration continues on this path.