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The 'Pledge' & what the GOP is offering for your vote
Author: Raine    Date: 09/27/2010 13:40:37

Last week the Republican House leadership unveiled it's 'Pledge To America'. As BobR succinctly pointed out last week: "Oddly enough, it's a pastiche of talking points that we've all heard before, none of which they seemed to be interested in pursuing back in the early 2000s when they we're actually in charge. It's also strangely reminiscent of Newt Gingrich's Contract With America." Of course it was met with critisicm from the left-- that is to be expected, but it was also met with sharp critique from conservatives as a sell out and a 'political blowjob'. Over at RedState.com, it was declared 'dreck' and Perhaps the Most Ridiculous Thing to Come Out of Washington Since George McClellan . Wes Benedict, the director of the National Libertarian party says that the GOP owes America an apology

Here is the thing. This pledge is more than just talking points. The GOP is sending a clear message: Vote for us now and we will answer the questions about the how later. It's not just with this pledge, it's a recurring theme among the GOP. John Beohner said of the 'plan' quite clearly this weekend with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday:
WALLACE: Congressman Boehner, as Willie Sutton said about banks, entitlements are where the money is. More than 40% of the budget. Yet, I’ve looked through this pledge and there is not one single proposal to cut social security, medicare, medicaid.

BOEHNER: Chris, we make it clear in there that we’re going to lay out a plan to work toward a balanced budget and deal with the entitlement crisis. Chris, it’s time for us as Americans to have an adult conversation with each other about the serious challenges our country faces. And we can’t have that serious conversation until we lay out the size of the problem. Once Americans understand how big the problem is, then we can begin to talk about potential solutions. [...]

WALLACE: Forgive me, sir, isn’t the right time to have the adult conversation now before the election when you have this document? Why not make a single proposal to cut social security, medicare and medicaid?

BOEHNER: Chris, this is what happens here in Washington. When you start down that path, you just invite all kind of problems. I know. I’ve been there. I think we need to do this in a more systemic way and have this conversation first. Let’s not get to the potential solutions. Let’s make sure Americans understand how big the problem is. Then we can talk about possible solutions and then work ourselves into those solutions that are doable.
To paraphrase: Let's not get into potential solutions, just understand there is a really big problem, vote for us, and we will talk about it later.

Republican Nominee from Delaware, Christine O'Donnel is taking that approach as well. The Sunday after her nomination, she cancelled all Sunday Talk show appearances. The reason she officially gave was "I have to keep my priorities to Delaware voters.” Since that time, she hasn't given anyone an interview san Hannity, but a look at her campaign website shows that she too is taking a vote first, details later stance as well:
Jobs Believes jobs are created when businesses are freed from endless taxes and bureaucratic red tape.
Security Believes terrorism is an act of war requiring the full force of our intelligence and military resources rather than granting terrorists precious Constitutional rights and outsourcing our foreign policy to the U.N.
Debt Believes heaping trillions in debt on the backs of our grandchildren is immoral and that Congress is elected to make the hard choices to preserve our nation’s future prosperity.
Taxes Will fight to remove the crushing tax burden faced by American families and businesses and dramatically simplify the tax code.
Life Strongly believes in protecting the sanctity of life at ALL stages.
Energy Supports a market-based approach to energy solutions that will keep competition high and energy prices low.
Values Believes our country was founded on core values of faith, family and freedom and will fight to defend those values. Will always fight for maximum choice for parents about where to educate their kids, including private, parochial and charter schools or in the home.
Spending Believes unrestrained government spending is eroding our freedom, destroying our economy and ceding our sovereignty to foreign debt- holders like China.
Accountability Denounces corrupt pork-barrel politics, including earmarks, and will fight for increased transparency and performance information for every Federal program.
Healthcare Believes that the solution to the healthcare crisis is less government meddling in the doctor/patient relationship, more competition in the insurance market and more choice for families about their health plan.
Gun Control Christine’s strong support of 2nd Amendment rights has earned her an “A” rating from the NRA.
Lot's of believing and very little on how she plans on making that happen -- as the late great Ann Richard's once said "All Hat, No Cattle". She has since said she would not be doing media interviews.

Senate candidate Rand Paul has taken this approach as well. After his Infamous Civil Rights comments, and subsequent Rachel Maddow interview, he has since stopped talking to the media. He won't discuss or debate his platform, just hoping that people will vote for him, and everyone can sort out the details later. Same with Sharon Angle, she will not discuss how she plans on implementing her platform, instead giving the media a consistent drone of talking points that the Tea Party enjoys hearing.

Let's not forget Senate candidate from Connecticut, Linda McMahon.
“I can certainly tell you I’m not adverse to talking in the right time or forum about what we need to do relative to our entitlements,” McMahon said in an interview. “I mean, Social Security is going to go bankrupt. Clearly, we have to strengthen that…I just don’t believe that the campaign trail is the right place to talk about that.“

I have to wonder, would people actually vote for these candidates if they knew what they actually thought and believed? I also wonder, isn't the campaign trail and election season the VERY time to lay out what one would do if given a position of leadership and majority in Congress? The GOP, and the tea party candidates that ARE a wing of the GOP don't seem to want you to know what they are FOR. We all know what they are against, but we do not know what they really want to provide to Americans, and what little we do know, they won't tell you HOW they plan on doing it ... with one clear exception: Rep. Paul Ryan. Last February, he called to privatize Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. He wants to repeal subsidies for employer provided Health care and replace it with a tax credit.

The GOP wants you to forget that. They want you to vote for them and worry about the details later. They don't want you to talk about it. They don't want you to debate the issues, and they certainly don't want to either. They just want you to trust them. Take a big leap of faith. Don't worry that the math behind these policies doesn't add up, Don't worry that these very same policies created this mess we are in. Just trust that they promise This time it will work, and if it doesn't, we'll iron out the details later.

A promise with no signed contract is all the GOP is offering. That is how the GOP buys a House, and - it appears - a Senate as well.



21 comments (Latest Comment: 09/27/2010 22:48:43 by trojanrabbit)
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