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Democratic Family Values
Author: BobR    Date: 09/10/2008 12:10:27

Yesterday I happened to catch a minute of FOX News asking people who they supported and why. The man who was asked that question responded that he supported McCain (surprise! ) because McCain/Palin better represented his "values". Had I been that reporter, I would've asked what values he was talking about. Of course, the reporter did not ask. But the question stuck with me nonetheless...

How can anyone say that Democrats do not support family values more than Republicans?

Democrats have long supported causes and legislation that help families, often against Republican opposition. One of the most obvious examples is SCHIP. This program is meant to ensure that all children - regardless of the family's financial resources - can get the healthcare they need. Democrats tried to expand the program. How is ensuring that children get the healthcare they need NOT a "family value"?

Of course, Democrats would like to take it a step further and provide Universal Healthcare ("a family doctor for every family"). Republicans prefer a "market-based" approach. How is ensuring that every family gets the healthcare they need NOT a "family value"?

Democrats have fought for school lunches, after-school programs for families of working mothers, preschool programs, and college loans for kids that can't afford them. They've fought back against school vouchers which destroy the public education system we've had for so long. The Republicans support NCLB even though it has ruined the education system, replacing actual teaching with "teaching to the test", and taking school funds away from schools that need funds the most. How is ensuring that every child gets the education they need NOT a "family value"?

Democrats have had to fight tooth and nail to keep programs like Welfare and WIC going. Republicans sneer at these programs referring to "Welfare Queens", when abuse of the programs is minimal and ensures that down-on-their-luck families get the food and clothing they need. How is ensuring that every family gets at least basic food and clothing NOT a "family value"?

Democrats have been the ones that have always had to push for environmental regulation. Republicans always accuse Democrats of being Chicken Littles, crying "the sky is falling" (if it gets any more pollution in it, it just might). In case you weren't already aware, the FDA under this Administration can no longer mandate food recalls. They must ask the food manufacturer, and the manufacturer can decide to issue a recall or not. The Republicans are against ANY form of regulation on business. How is ensuring that every family is protected from unscrupulous business NOT a "family value"? How is ensuring that every family can raise their children in a world where they can breathe clean air and eat safe food NOT a "family value"?

The Democrats have always been on the side of Labor, pushing for safety regulation and a minimum wage. This helps to ensure that Dad comes home from work every night in one piece, with a paycheck that the family can live on. How is ensuring that families get a livable wage and a safe workplace NOT a "family value"?

Democrats have always supported allowing gay couples to foster and adopt, against Republican opposition. The evidence shows that these children are happy and well cared for, and do NOT grow up to be gay (at least not anymore than the statistical average). How is ensuring that all children have a chance to grow up in a family environment NOT a family value?

Finally, Democrats have pushed for REAL sex education for teenagers and free condom distribution, while Republicans push for "abstinence-only". The fact that the current Republican vice-presidential candidate has a pregnant teenage daughter should show what a failure abstinence-only sex education is. How is trying to keep teenagers free from pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases NOT a "family value"?

I'm sure I missed a few other family values that Democrats support (feel free to add them in the comments).

Meanwhile, the Republicans try to disassemble the safety net that was initiated by FDR, they always want to punish rather than help, they try to deny education to their kids if they feel the facts do not agree with their religious beliefs, they continue to run up budget deficits that their children will have to pay for, and they want the "market" to regulate itself, even if it means some people get hurt, starve, or worse. Are these family values?

Not in MY family.


155 comments (Latest Comment: 09/11/2008 03:10:41 by Raine)
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