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Keep the Cake, Take the Flowers
Author: Raine    Date: 04/13/2023 13:10:56

A florist in Nashville is using the GOP tactics that used to be baked in the RW cake. You'll recall back in 2018, A baker refused to bake a cake for a same-sex couple and won at SCOTUS.
In the Masterpiece Cakeshop case, the Supreme Court on Monday ruled for a bakery that had refused to sell a wedding cake to a same-sex couple. It did so on grounds that are specific to this particular case and will have little to no applicability to future cases. The opinion is full of reaffirmations of our country’s longstanding rule that states can bar businesses that are open to the public from turning customers away because of who they are. (snip)

The decision also recognizes that adopting a rule — as advocated by the bakery — that would allow businesses to turn gay people away carries a significant risk of harm. It outlines its own fear that “a long list of persons who provide goods and services for marriages and weddings might refuse to do so for gay persons.” This would result, the decision continues, “in a community-wide stigma in­consistent with the history and dynamics of civil rights laws that ensure equal access to goods, services, and public accommodations.”

Significantly, the court cited an earlier case, Newman v. Piggie Park Enterprises, Inc., where it rejected precisely the kind of claims that the bakery made here. Piggie Park was a chain of barbeque restaurants in Columbia, South Carolina, that claimed its religion required it to refuse to serve Black customers alongside white ones and that applying the 1964 Civil Rights Act would violate its religious freedom. The courts rejected that argument, with the Supreme Court calling it “frivolous.”
Back to Nashville, where a florist refuses 'large' RNC fundraiser order
When the organizers of a Republican National Convention fundraising event scheduled for Nashville this month called FLWR Shop in Belle Meade for floral design services for the event — owners Alex Vaughan and Quinn Kiesow said no.

The FLWR Shop owners posted on their social media accounts they "immediately declined" the "opportunity" and went on to say they would like to challenge others in the Nashville event industry to say no to taking money or jobs from Republican party until they begin to make the changes to gun laws that most Americans are calling for. (snip)

"Our community has just lost seven people, including three young children, to yet another school shooting. At this moment, I cannot ignore the work that the RNC has done to create this tragedy and so many others just like it."

There isn't recourse in this situation as the RNC is not a protected class, they are a sad excuse for a political party. Good on the FLWR Shop for standing up for the people of Nashville. I hope other companies follow this example. Shunning and hitting them in their pockets cause money is the only language they know.


1 comments (Latest Comment: 04/13/2023 13:40:33 by Raine)
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