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Author: TriSec    Date: 09/07/2024 12:57:08

Good morning. I've had a few thoughts gathering during the week - but probably none of which can make a full blog. So - some random thoughts for the day.

So let's start with the new job. Spectacular. Amazing. Life-changing.

I've told you some of it, but perhaps not the full deal. I'm driving something called the "Waltham Falcon Flyer". It's the local, in-Waltham student shuttle for Bentley College.

I have an easy commute - it's a fifteen minute walk down the bike trail, almost door-to-door. It's a ten minute drive to the campus from there. Winding through Waltham is all of 35 minutes, and my route takes me within sight of my front door. Best of all, I have "normal" hours. It's Monday-Friday, weekends off! And the morning shift, I'm done and home no later than 4pm all week.

I haven't checked my blood pressure yet, but I can already feel a difference. "Cubbie" had his A-Game on yesterday, for the first time in weeks, if not months. (Yes, I still use my stage name behind the wheel.) My trolley mates are rather happy that "the good Cubbie" is back, although not giving tours anymore. I have been in a very bad place for about a year.

In any case - with the start of the school year also comes the start of college athletics. While I do follow College Hockey in these parts (A raving Beanpot fan), I have never been into the major collegiate sport, being football. Until last season. Two years ago now, Clemson came to Boston to play Boston College. "Captain Matty" on the trolleys is a transplant to Boston. Born and raised in Mobile, Alabama, he went to University of Alabama and lives and dies by the Crimson Tide. I started becoming interested in the wake of the Clemson visit - in the business, their fans "travel well", and Boston was such a party atmosphere the weekend they were here, we all had a great time. So last season, I peeked in on them from time to time, and rather enjoyed doing it. So I'm actually looking forward to the season this year. The Tide might be #4 this week, but Clemson hangs on at #25. As for Boston College though - I say bah!

But back to Bentley - despite living across from the college for 28 years, I've never followed their athletic department. I have taken my Scouts to the rare basketball or hockey game, but it's always flown under the radar. Until now. Working on the campus, I have decided to pay a little more attention. Bentley is Division II, but they are actually a rather good school in that division. Best of all, of course I live within walking distance of the athletic fields. Get this - Division II football? General admission, $5 by the each! Hockey? (Which Bentley plays in Division I), well a season ticket in the new state-of-the art arena is a mere $125. I can't go to a Bruins game for that.

I think there will be some sport in my future this fall.

But finishing up with that new job - think about this.

I have weekends off - I can go camping with my Scouts again.
I am home by 4pm - so my meetings are easy, Masonic work is a breeze, and I'll be re-joining the Waltham American Legion Band in February for the new season and will be playing music again.

I won't lie - trolley life was a good life for many years, until it wasn't. I still miss my friends, and I actually do miss being "onstage". But life moves on....and this time it is for the better.

3 comments (Latest Comment: 09/08/2024 14:32:42 by BobR)
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