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The Abyss is Looking Back
Author: BobR    Date: 2025-02-26 13:00:00

We all knew this was going to be a shitshow. Anal Orange came blazing out of the gate with a Shock & Awe campaign of horrendous initiatives, while fElon Musk acted as his attack dog, ripping the squeakers out of all of our government agencies. It was unsustainable, and the response, though seemingly slow, is starting to take shape.

First were the heads of the various agencies telling their employees to ignore Musk's email demanding they respond with 5 accomplishments over the previous week (or get fired). It became clear that Musk doesn't have the authority to fire anybody, because his appointment was not approved by Congress.

He's also run into resistance from those in tech positions that he needs to do his bidding. Over twenty critical employees resigned, rather than do his bidding:
“We swore to serve the American people and uphold our oath to the Constitution across presidential administrations,” the 21 staffers wrote in a joint resignation letter, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press. “However, it has become clear that we can no longer honor those commitments.”

The employees also warned that many of those enlisted by Musk to help him slash the size of the federal government under President Donald Trump’s administration were political ideologues who did not have the necessary skills or experience for the task ahead of them.

The mass resignation of engineers, data scientists, designers and product managers is a temporary setback for Musk and the Republican president’s tech-driven purge of the federal workforce. It comes amid a flurry of court challenges that have sought to stall, stop or unwind their efforts to fire or coerce thousands of government workers out of jobs.

Republicans in Congress are doing some pushing back, and after licking his butthole for the last 4 years, find themselves between a rock and a hard place, literally praying for a miracle to upend the laws of economics:
House Speaker Mike Johnson is facing microscopic margins, caught between deficit hawks on one side and nervous GOP moderates on the other. Both camps seemingly are ready to tank the effort even before it gets fully underway.

"This is a prayer request," Johnson even quipped on Monday. "Just pray this through for us because it is very high stakes," he added of this week's effort even as he expressed confidence Republicans could get it done.

"I don't think anyone wants to be in front of this train. I think they want to be on it," he added.

Um... sorry, but Mushroom Dick has already tied you to the tracks, Penelope.

In a bit of hilarity (and some might say a blaring example of either his incompetence or dementia), he actually insulted himself while criticizing a "bad deal" that he actually enacted in his first term

Big companies are also ignoring his DEI nonsense. Both Apple and Costco have overwhelmingly rejected ending DEI practices (and that was a shareholder vote).

The bigger problem will continue to be the stochastic terrorists that "got the message", and have decided to act on Der Fuhrer's behalf. These include "brownshirts" dragging a woman from a public meeting, a business head who decided to do a Nazi salute, and a man attacking a non-white person in a grocery store. THIS is the problem that will not go away regardless of what happens at the macro level. These micro-incidents of aggression will be worse in areas where the most vulnerable are at a disadvantage.

Now is not the time to cower or look away. We have to help each other, even the strangers we haven't met.

2 comments (Latest Comment: 02/26/2025 17:06:22 by Raine)
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