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Morality and Hypocrisy
Author: Raine    Date: 06/25/2009 12:34:59

So another GOP contender is out of contention for the 2012 presidential race. Last week it was John Ensign. This party of Family Values, this party that believes that the Gays will destroy marriage are doing an awful fine job all by themselves. Can someone please explain to me tho, that when a Democrat does a 'naughty, naughty' thing, they are no longer in office and when a Republican does the very same things (or similar) they are commended?

For example:
Rod Blagojevich -- Out;
Eliot Spitzer --Out.
Gray Davis --Out;
Jim McGreevey --Out;
Mark Sanford -- Still in office.
Larry Craig -- Never resigned.
David Vitter -- Relected. (given standing ovation on Senate Floor)
John Ensign -- Still in office. (another standing ovation)

Granted these situations should be taken on an "as they come" basis -- I say that as a Democrat. I view our party as one with a little more tolerance, and a lot more compassion. I don't like hypocrisy. The Dems were never the party of Family Values, and Marriage Purity. Does that give us a pass? No. We want to hold politicians accountable for their actions. It seems like the GOP doesn't really like to do that. As a matter of fact, Grover Norquist believes such infidelities make the party more manly:
“I disagree with the idea that this shows problems for the modern Republican Party,” said Grover Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, a group that applauded Mr. Sanford’s attempt to refuse some federal stimulus funds earlier this year. In reference to the fiscally conservative philosophies of Mr. Ensign and Mr. Sanford, he joked, “I think instead it shows that sexual attractiveness of limited-government conservatism.”
Both John Ensign and Mark Sanford were Republicans who called for the impeachment of President Bill Clinton. The GOP's other great white hope, Newt Gingrich is hoping that people will forget not just his infidelities, but also his reasons for stepping down as speaker of the house. He was leveled with 84 ethics breaches (all but one that were dropped). He also shut down Congress in a hissy fit hen he felt snubbed by the President. This guy is the face of the GOP along with Rush -- who we don't really need to rehash here. Tom Delay has not seen one day of jail time for his Abramoff dealings. Granted, not all Republicans keep their power... Mark Foley being a good example. In my opinion, diddling with pages was the bad bad thing in that sordid drama, but the GOP seemed to be far more concerned that he had 'the gay'. God forbid-- they need to protect the sanctity of marriage. Affairs are good with women -- but not with men it seems.

I personally feel that what happens between grown adults is ultimately their own business. That said, those that have the power to make laws and legislate should be held to a higher standard when they try to legislate their own morality upon the American electorate. I don't expect any politician to be perfect, I expect them to strive to be the best that they can be. No party can claim the moral majority as the GOP did, but they should be held to a higher expectation. They are in charge of running our government. We look to them to do the right thing for their constituents, and make the right choices when called upon. It's not gays that are hurting marriages, it is the GOP and the hypocrisy of their 'family values' and the so-called 'sanctity of marriage'.

:peace: and


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