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They don't represent me.
Author: Raine    Date: 09/14/2009 12:48:16

I have often spoken about racism here in this blog and in other places. To tell you the truth, being white doesn't make it very comfortable for me to talk about it, but-- my being white makes it quite necessary to talk about it. I don't know why such blatant racism is suddenly allowed in this country. I don't know why such vitriol is acceptable for so many people.

The easy answer would be to say that it's because of WHO we have as a President. That would be easy, but it's a cop out. These people are using that as an excuse to express the hatred that lies inside themselves. Where that hate came from, I don't know. TV? Radio? Does it matter?

So many people marched for Civil rights in this nation. People died for the cause. So, the questions I have are: Are we going to let a group of people who want to drag this country back to Jim Crow days frame a debate that they created? Are we going to let a small group of white people decide the direction of this country? Are we going to allow for another civil war to happen? The question I ask of myself: am I going to let those people represent me?

I am quite serious about this. What is happening in America right now, is happening right before our eyes. I am having serious moments of true embarrassment. This is no longer just a few abnormalities or isolated incidents. When I see people of color, I find myself from time to time wondering -- do they think I am one of those teabaggers? My friends know I am not, but what about people who I pass on the street? I look at history books, and think wow, white people did that? Now I'm seeing people actually advocating for the right to have separate water fountains again. One of the Tea Party organizers said over the weekend: "We want to bring back the America we had 100 years ago."

You and I saw the signs over the weekend. I don't need to rehash that gross misrepresentation of America. What I do have to do is tell you, I am not one of those people. I want to live in a country that will let me speak for those who have no voice and lets me stand up for those that can't. I choose to walk in other people shoes so I can better understand. There are things I can never fully understand, but I choose not to remain ignorant. You see, I believe our country is lifted up when we give a hand to those that have less. It's that simple. Only then will we become a nation of equality for all. I hope that we can work together making this a More Perfect Union that includes all colors and flavors-- not just white teabaggers.




71 comments (Latest Comment: 09/15/2009 00:49:08 by Mondobubba)
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