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Hopey-Changey or the Status quo. You choose.
Author: Raine    Date: 02/09/2010 23:42:04

Sarah Palin said the following at the TeaParty convention:
And now a year later, I got to ask the supporters of all that, how is that hopey-changey stuff working out for you?

Let me get this right, they are against Hope and Change from the President, but they are for change in regards to how our government works? They hate the Obama idea of Hope and Change -- and yet, they want to change Government? To what? What do they want? How are these Tea Partiers different from the GOP? Seriously, let's take a quick look:

  • Lower Taxes? GOP

  • Constitutionalism?: GOP

  • Anti-Big Government?: GOP
Take a look around -- what the Tea Party people are supporting is nothing different than anything the GOP has been touting for the past 25 years. The reality turned out to be the very opposite of the rhetoric when the GOP was in charge: We got a bigger government, we got higher taxes, and we failed to honor the Constitution. I DARE anyone to prove me wrong.

What do they REALLY want to change? They are for EVERY policy that the GOP has supported for years. Let me restate this: They are angry at the result of the policies that brought us to this point in history, and yet they are supporting those same policies that got us here.

By the way -- Where is the teabagger outrage at this comment?
We need a plan to turn that goal into a reality and that way we can pave the way for projects that will create jobs, those are real job-creators and deliver carbon-free energy.
They cheered at that like it was HER idea, but they fail to understand that the President is trying to do EXACTLY that. So maybe, just maybe they are actually for some of his ideas?

Tea Party people think they are well-versed, but they are being played for fools. They are nothing more than an extension of the GOP, but are being used as pawns representing some false 'outsider status'. You can be against Hope and Change -- but unless you have a clear plan otherwise, your are nothing but for the same old same old. The tea party is not new and original - they are just loud and angry, and better funded, since the GOP is more than happy to feed fuel to the fire.

TeaPartiers: You really think this is going to make America better? REALLY? How? Give me some specifics, I dare you. I'm all for your changey stuff, if you give a reason for it that is any different from we have been doing for the past 25 years. You have shown me nothing different from your Republican overlords. Actually -- you are preaching the very same thing that they did. You even seem to be against hope, just like them.


5 comments (Latest Comment: 02/10/2010 03:18:01 by TriSec)
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