TriSec is Unwell Author: TriSecDate:01/29/2022 14:03:08
But do I think it's the 'rona?
I manifested a slight cough yesterday, and increasing nasal congestion. Plus a sore throat - square around the ol' adam's apple - no lymph node swelling.
Since I have no other symptoms on the CDC list, it seems to me like a routine winter cold.
I suppose I should test. I took an online 'symptom survey' from the CDC, and they think I'm goma die - they recommend seeing my doctor right away.
Sorry, there's a blizzard going on. (Which is a fizzle so far, but it's still early.)
Ah well - I'll keep you all posted, but right now I am not concerned. Other than the cold, I mean. *koff*
As for the blizzard, I hope that it is is less than expected. if not, just take sensible precautions.
Comment byvelveeta jones on 01/29/2022 21:37:15
Checking in on my friends above the Mason-Dixon line.... While we have snow here, it pales to what ya'll have going on. Stay safe! Get well soon TriSec!!
Comment byBobR on 01/30/2022 00:24:29
A cold is never fun, especially when shoveling snow is kind of a requirement. My throat feels like the French Foreign Legion marched across it, but of course there's a perfectly good explanation for that.
Comment byTriSec on 01/30/2022 16:50:59
Checking back in - officially, 23 inches at Logan Airport; 16 in Waltham.
Easy enough to get out. Limited accumulation in many areas due to the swirling winds and light snow. Hardly a classic Nor'easter, as we got light, fluffy Midwest snow and not heavy, wet New England snow out of this one.
I retain a cough, but no temperature in 48 hours and I have not been taking any analgesics at all. My initial diagnosis seems to have been correct.
Comment byTriSec on 01/30/2022 23:05:24
I'm afraid TriSec has discovered a rather embarrassing personal problem.
I have sported some form of facial growth for as long as I have been able to grow one - except for a handful of years at the end of the oughts.
Well, over time that has become more 'salt and pepper', and while shaving today, I noted that the salt part seems to be at the outer margins, while the center remains dark.
Yes, at a distance, I appear to be sporting a Hitler Mustache right now.
Comment byshelaghc on 01/31/2022 00:14:42
Quote by velveeta jones: Checking in on my friends above the Mason-Dixon line.... While we have snow here, it pales to what ya'll have going on. Stay safe! Get well soon TriSec!!
We didn't get a blizzard here - just a bridge collapsed three blocks from me.
Comment byBobR on 01/31/2022 00:55:38
Quote by shelaghc:
Quote by velveeta jones: Checking in on my friends above the Mason-Dixon line.... While we have snow here, it pales to what ya'll have going on. Stay safe! Get well soon TriSec!!
We didn't get a blizzard here - just a bridge collapsed three blocks from me.
That bridge story is getting plenty of national attention.
Comment byshelaghc on 01/31/2022 01:11:27
Quote by BobR:
Quote by shelaghc:
Quote by velveeta jones: Checking in on my friends above the Mason-Dixon line.... While we have snow here, it pales to what ya'll have going on. Stay safe! Get well soon TriSec!!
We didn't get a blizzard here - just a bridge collapsed three blocks from me.
That bridge story is getting plenty of national attention.
For good reason. Most of us were completely unaware that the bridge had a "poor" rating back in September. It didn't hurt that POTUS was visiting the same day to talk about infrustructure. What's really pissing some of us off locally is that the RWW are claiming it's a hoax.
I want them to stand on my street and look at all the trucks, cars, equipment, and flashing yellow lights that I'm seeing every time I get in my car.
Comment byshelaghc on 01/31/2022 01:14:30
Also, the Fern Hollow Bridge connects where I live pretty much to the city of Pittsburgh.
Police, fire, paramedics, and a helluva lot of other services used to get to us by way of that bridge.
Any emergency calls from where I live are now going to have to get to us by way of a detour.