That's kinda where we are on the day we celebrate our out country's independence from unelected tyrants who sought to rule over us with no fair rule of law,
Our nation's unofficial motto is
E Pluribus Unum, meaning 'Out of Many, One', but in 1956 we officially passed Resolution 396), adopting "In God We Trust" as the official motto. Anectdotally, we went from striving for for the ideals to something far more disturbing this year.
Happy Independence, and never stop fighting for rights that are human rights. To all the men who support the fundamental human right of bodily autonomy for women, thank you and remember this:
No one is free when more than half of the population has no independence from 6 unelected tyrants who have lifetime appointments. Until that changes:
E pluribus nullus
(Out of Many, None.)
Resist, persist and insist that we do better.