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Author: BobR    Date: 2024-07-31 12:00:00

Since 2015, we've had to deal with bullying, name-calling, threats of violence, and fauxtrage non-stop. They told us "fuck your feelings", with a mean smile and laugh. The unwashed white trash that accounts for the majority of tRumpy cultists were all giddy as they stood behind their King Bully and laughed as he said they things they always wanted to, but were afraid of the consequences.

They called us snowflakes, libtards, pedos, and everything else they could pull out of their limited vocabulary.

Then President Biden decided to end his campaign for a 2nd term.

With Veep Harris the assumed candidate, this election year suddenly made a 180. She has energized the Democratic base in a way that I haven't seen since President Obama ran. She is on fire, selling a vision of hope and progress for our country. People who were going to grudgingly vote for Biden's reelection are now eager to vote. Independents and moderates who weren't happy between a quiet old man and an asshole old man now have a REAL choice, and it's becoming more clear who that choice is going to be (hint: NOT the old man).

Young people are registering to vote in unprecedented numbers. Harris set a new record for single-day campaign contributions in the 24 hrs after the announcement was made. It's astounding, really.

Naturally, this has sent tRumpy into a foaming-at-the-mouth tailspin. He's sputtering and fuming, and his campaign is hurting because they essentially have to start over with their strategies, ad buys, etc. On top of that, they have an albatross around their neck in the form of J.D. Vance. I am guessing he was supposed to appeal to the moderates, or those a little put off by tRump's puckering asshole of a mouth, but that went south, real quick-like.

All it took was a satire post that Vance fucked a couch, and suddenly it's all anyone thinks about when they think about Vance. It doesn't matter that everyone knows it's not true, but it tracks. It's yet another case of reality being so weird, that satire is indistinguishable from reality. He looks like he wears eyeliner (not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's definitely NOT something Republicans embrace). He has that social awkwardness of Jeb Bush ("please clap").

Now apparently, they are upset because we're calling them "weird" (snowflakes). Elon Musk put out a statement that anyone who posts on "X" that Republicans are weird will be kicked off the platform. Naturally, #weird is trending.

All it takes is seeing them with the Idiocracy-inspired advertising clothes, the flags, the bumper stickers, tattoos, body and face paint, bandages on their ears. Yeah, cults ARE weird, and the people who blindly adhere to their cult of personality are weird. J.D. Vance is really weird. The response by RW self-appointed moral arbiters to the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris is a combination of blind ignorance, hatefulness, and lack of cultural... well... anything.

It's just over 3 months until election day, and the parties are going in opposite directions. Democrats are energized, positive, excited, and inspired. Republicans are angry, defensive, desperate, and grasping at straws. Let's hope the electorate chooses hope over hate. I don't think I can take 4 more years of this ugly weird.

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