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Facing East
Author: TriSec    Date: 10/02/2021 12:20:30

Good Morning.

We've all had interesting journeys over the past 18 months.

Given that some of us routinely post our stories here - I won't have to rehash what ol' Trisec has been up to. Where I am going now - well, it's not the heady days of pre-covid tourism, but things do seem headed in the right direction from where I sit.

But looking around at some of our regular posters, I don't know that I can call it "envy", seeing some of you in what turned out to be relatively covid-proof jobs and home situations. I'm glad that we all seem to have made it to this point relatively unscathed. (Making it "through" is another matter entirely right now.)

But now there is the matter of our DC Branch. I'm sure we all know what's happened with Bob. The good news is - according to Raine, things seem to have taken a positive turn over the last 24 hours. Modern medicine is quite a thing when people actually adhere to doctor's advice and the medicines we have available, isn't it?

Although not a terribly spiritual person myself, I have thought once again of taking another step on my long journey towards Allah. My next door neighbors are practicing Muslims. I have asked to go to Mosque with them on some Friday that I might have an actual day off - we'll see where this goes.

For right now, spirituality and a higher being are our own individual concepts. I can be thankful for what things are coming my way, and in turn be thankful for what others have received as well. There is no selfishness or "I got mine" attitude here today.

As for Bob and Raine - well, being 400 miles away somewhat limits what I can do to physically help in an hour of need. But I'm sure I'll think of something. For right now - admire a sunrise from Maine and think of all the positive things today might bring.



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